Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Yeah, UK is the same, London Rocks while the rest Rots, the rest of England are just straw chewing tractor driving Nerds, or that what they think...
Well now you ask, Ive got a brand new combine harvester Its a John Deer :O) brummmmm,,brummmmm,,,,
Super song, us straw chewing pumpkins sing it all the time...
When my father lived in England, he fell in love with the Wurzles. He bought so many of their records back with him. My son grew up singing their songs. It's shocking! "Where be 't blackbird to? I know where 'e be. 'E be up yon wurzle tree, 'n I be after 'e."
Sounds like yoo know them pretty well yourselfs you does!
Really, I hear you play a mean rendition of "Advance Australia Fair" on the Jews harp :O)
I never stoled that harp. It was won fair an' square in a choklit eatin' competishun.
I was told you borrowed it without asking ??? Choklit mmm, T'iz nice but not too much.......
You shouldn't orta believe everything you hears.
I have found a brand of dairy free chocoalte that I don't mind. They make white and brown. I have never been a sweets person, but I find this stuff more-ish.
How are you, Mikey?
Dairy free choklit, no way,,,thats like,,,thats like,,,choklit with no milk init or sumfink!
I am OK thanks Dezzie, Could be better but couldn't we all :O)
I bought some choklit once for diabetics it tasted like eating a church candle, Now i read befour i buy...
Oh, sugar free is awful. This stuff has flavour and tastes like milk chocolate - not dark - and the white one is really nice. You can change your tastebuds fairly quickly if you want to or have to. Whenever I chance any dairy stuff or accidentally eat some, I pay too big a price and I really have sworn off all of it. Eggs will have to go eventually, because they make me react, too. However, they don't give me asthma, just a runny nose for most of the day. It's funny, but I am being mostly good these days. With the exception of the garlic chicken flaky pastry thingies from the pie shop. Oh, and they make a potato topped pea and mince pie that is to die for.
I an concerned about you, though, Mikey. How many church candles have you eaten, exactly? And does the prelate know?
THATS NOT FAIR,,,talking bout garlic chicken with flaky pastry, when i juss had a blaady salad... With tiny fartin prawns init, and limp lettuce.. play fair Dezzie or im goin home,,,,....
I was a choirboy when i was a wee brat, sung in latin at weddings and everything, but, i come from a large family and food was in short supply so as anyone would do,i took bites outta the candles, he did notice and did indeed ask me about it, but being quick thinking i told the vicar i had seen rats in the pews.. :O)
Salad is good. Prawns not so good, but we'll let that pass.
So you lied to the vicar. Hmmm...well, I guess your brain was addled by the beeswax.
Yeah but it was only a little white lie, i practised now and can produce really believable black lies now :O)
I know. I believe I has experienced one or two. Like when you said the rat had moved out.
THATS TRUE,,,dont you dare say otherwise, i am a new nam , And Ma said i smell much healthier since badger moved out, The last i heard badger was squatting in a old folks home, he's foned once or twice but i told him straight " NO VACANCIES" and put the phone down..
Arfta all he's did for you? Why he done all the thinkin' for you for ages! Never overloaded yer washin' machine in them days, didja?
Dont take the mickey you, its not at all funny, blaady thing has a mind of its own, im gonna bash me washin on a rock down the billabong, 'struth Sheila its gotta be easier than using robo washer :O(
I woodent know. I uses a good ole fashioned agitator machine wif a dial. It does overflow sometimes, an' it did catch fire once, but apart from that, it's perfeck.
I've got tears in me eyes and my stomach aches from laughing. Please you two's. Put this into print, you'll make a fortune.