Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
its a great shot! congrats! with summer around the corner, I'm pretty sure it would be popular!
I didn't think it was possible for you to get worse, but there you go...
Well done, Mike! It's an excellent pic, and you have lots more great images in your gallery. I'm jealous!
Ahh such a nice thing to say, Come here Dezzie Wezzie let me give you a hug, , , P.S, i also think your images are truly imaginative, you have a true gift, Now lets Hug!!!!
Not in front of the kiddies, Mikey. It scares them.
I have no gift, just filters.
Well, I disagree, Dez. I think you've got a real gift. As well as filters. I'd be interested to know - what software do you use to make your non-photo creations?
Mikey, octogenarians are not usually considered too young to die. What makes you special?
I use PhotoImpactX3. There. Now you have to die. I'll send someone over.
Ahhh, Ooooh,, Ouch,,,,Dezzie, Thats well bellow the belt, Ive just had a hard life thats all..... in it funny how you can go right off someone, as quick as you can say octogenarians....
@13 Thanks for the info Dez. I see that currently Corel is offering the software through CNet for only $30 (see
@14 Thanks for taking the other kind of impact Mike! Good job you've got nine lives... :-)
Its OK Kev, Our Dezzie can be right nasty at times, her words cut like a knife, just as well i,m hardened to it now, so what i suggest Kev, Hope you don't mind me calling you Kev, Kev, But get yourself one of them photolmact thingamajigs and give that Dezzie...a run for her money..
They come with a free pointy stick.
It's awful. I paid $200 for my PI. If you already have Photoshop, you might not want it.
@17 Aagghhh! Please don't call me Kev. Micromoth or Kevin or (almost) anything else but not Kev! Lol!
@18 I have Photoshop Elements 8 - it came free with a scanner, would you believe. It does the job pretty well, but I do get irritated with its very slow organizer. If PI is better still, then that's quite a compliment.
If you buy it - and that's a bargain - I can direct you to places that show you how to use it. It's a lot easier in many ways than Photoshop, but it doesn't have true layers and a few other things. And the quality isn't as high as Photoshop.
Dezzie, your images produced using PhotoImpact are really very good as can be seen by the downloads they receive, you know, I have to give credit when credit is due, they always catch my eye when i,m going through new images as they are always pretty and colorful. :o)
Aw shucks. Thank you, Mike. Now, let's keep talking to Kev.
HEY,,,have you noticed,, am still there on the front page,,Tell ya,,Like a dog with a new bone i am,,,, :O)
Rub it in.
Kev is somewhere quietly seething that his parents named him something that could be shortened to "Kev".