Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
You inspired me to read back over old posts. I got to about 600 and I have to stop. Yes, funny in places. But if I published, they'd cart Mikey away. Lock him up for good, they would...
Oh, alright then.
And what have i done to you little miss brown eyes pick the pie's NOTHING thats what, i been out all day mindin me own business switch me pewter on and what do i see,,,,,,Dezzie havin a dig,,,WHY,,,WHY,,,why...
'Cause. Thas all. Jus 'cause. You knows I gots to has someone to pick on. It's my nature, Mikey. An' you can't change nature now, can you? Why no! Of course not! You has a big hollow head. I has meanness and wikkidness to the bone. It's all in the cards we been dealt. But I knows how to cheat...
OK then, lets change the subjeckt miss meeny , i just add a boiled hegg an it was nice n full ov gudnuss..
I jus had two begematarian fake chicken schnitzels, a havocado, a fried tomato, an' a fried bun. I was so hungry. I only had a small sald for lunch and no breakfast. I have had a terrible day at work today. I am exhausted and worried, and I really need a holiday. I'm off to Brisbane again next week for another diploma workshop.
Sounds like a nice tea dezzie, you worry too much gurl, wot appens, appens, wot dont , dont, its all written in the stars, you do your best, you give everthing you got, you are dedicated, what more can you give, if i was yoo dezzie i would not worry because at the end of the day yoo know you have given 100%
But the world wants 110%! LOL No, it's okay. I still have things to do, but having new workers is very time-consuming, plus the clients have managed to chuck a few dramas - I was late getting away this afternoon because of one who really needed a good slapping. Sadly, I am not allowed to do that.
See, you need how to kick someone under the table without moving, claim overtime , money money money makes the world go around :O)
In my line of work, no such thing as overtime. We only got an award in 2000.
Don't you call them awards in your country? The laws govening employment in a given type of work.
Yes, Dippyploma's for blonds, i have a diploma in Hinglish, maffs, woodwurk , wots yours in??
Do you call the laws govening employment in specified areas of work "awards". You know, pay levels, conditions, etc?
Take a look at this might help, cuz between you and me as soon as you used that dirty four letter word ** LAWS** i lost the plot...
This is a link to a sample page of ours - an award for each area of work, with pay rates, conditions, etc. There are general laws for all jobs like the ones in your above link - anti-discrimination, etc - but the awards cover all the specifics as well. For some reason, I thought Britain would have something similar.
By the way, I'M BACK!!! Where's the cake?
Crumbs,,,Errrr, was me favourite, and i got caryied away while Wotching home n away , I,ll get another sorry Dezzie, Where yoo bean hanyway, its bean as quite ere as a disco in a convent :O(
Workshop, mmmm, is that like the olde English Workhouse, mussbe, times is hard here two, Im havin two sell me kidney to pay the gas bill...
You call that a kidney? THIS is a kidney!
Felt like a workhouse...
Did they feed you and give you tea and biscuits at the workhouse, Thats one hugly piece of artwork aint it, artwork should bee beautiful to look at :O)
Well, yerss...They gave me this amazing smoked salmon salad. I don't usually like smoked salmon - I like fresh or tinned - but this was really delicious. And there was stacks of it. In fact, I took the leftovers back to the motel and made a sandwich for tea. Last time, there was nothing I could eat, so they made up for it this time!
We were studying budgets, and the various rivetting kinds of budgets. I haven't absorbed much, so I have reading to do, then assignments. We completed a lot of them there - well, they have to be written up yet - so there are only two major ones. People who study accounting and enjoy it have something wrong with them.