Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
No,,No,,Your wrong, sorry but mens brains are the biggest,, its been scientifically proven.. its all there in black n white, I,ll have to go rest my huge brain now ,,night night....
Ahhhhh,,,i knows what your meening Dezzie,,Ahh ahhh ahhh,,,,, Hanyways, I,m still on the front page and i,m mors Hexsited than hever bout that,, If you could see the size of my head you'd knows how munch it meens to me, mind you, the saying goes little thing please small minds,,are you pleased for me dezzie Hummm, hummm,,,
Nope. The fame has ruinded you. Now I has to make a 'pointment to wave atcha. Not good enuff, my little friend.
Yes, I am pleased for you. Jealous, but pleased. :P
My head hurts Dezzie, PAIN ,,,,,,pain,,,self inflicted PAIN,,,,OOOOOOOh
Was the pleasure worth it? I hate alcohol. I am a dyed in the wool tee totaller. I have NO headache. Nyah nyah!
Lots of fluids and a long shower will help.
OO0000ooooowww,,,Not worth it,,,never again,,,,,The new look front page looks great dont it,,,,thought i was on the wrong site for a moment..
Its all through RGB init, changes everywhere looks great dunit Eh!
I miss my lemons too,,,to be perfectly honest Dezzie, i thought they made the site, but there you go....
Ah, but they was there for a time, at least. Did you get many extra downloads from them being there?
They where there for a while weren't they, they woz the bestest lemons on ere i tell you, and thats not being big headed than wot i normally iz, Phew, my spelling goes all to poo poo when i is tired,, No Dezzie no extra downloads really, never mind Eh!
Well, once we're well-known - and we're getting there - those lemmings will go like hot cakes. You mark my words.
It was such a honor to be here at the birth though, seeing the sites first steps so to speak, I am amazed really to how fast things have moved, the number of members, the uploads, the downloads, truly amazing, I really don't care about my downloads or how many i get or don't get, my downloaded count is just a number, my true passion is art, you only have to ask Ma about that, as soon as i was old enough to grasp a crayon THE WALLS GOT IT,, bless my parents really they have put up with something i tells you, I could ramble on for days but i,m soaking ma's teef in Napisan so,,see you later Mrs :O)
You're supposed to take 'em out first.
Yes, it has been a fabulous growth rate, thanks to lots of messages left all over the place, as well as word of mouth. We have a lot to be proud of. And if it wasn't for the excellent images, this site wouldn't exist. It's so much nicer here than elsewhere, too.
It is so much nicer, Well its the company you keep isn't it Dezzie, friendly,,,Yes friendly the word you couldn't want for a better place to hang your hat/or images up than good old RGB,,Hooray for RGB may forever she sail through the internet sea,,,Oooh that made me want to smash a bottle champers on her bow.... :O)
Well, you can get busy making comments on other sites and adding the link. It all helps. There's a free bowl of soup in it for you.
Hey Hey,,,,i already does that kind of things, I even scratched it into the bar at the local pup, "the pull the birdie" yes, i leave it everywhere, even facecrook,, ...
Toilet walls don't count, but you gets points for t'other.
Funny you mention toilet walls, never enough room on um iz there ,,,,some strange people about,,,Oh please excuse me just have to powder my nose,,wheres my permenant marker???