Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
That iz wot i woz gunner say like in it. yoo has got tit in one there Mr Micromoth. :O)
Thanx. I also recommend standin well back in case Missy Dez does do a swing.
Yep, just out of harms reeech, but you has two remenber that our Dezzie has been nown two hughes a Stick,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,With a point onit..
All this talk of hams an' swigs is making me very hungry. I shall have another coconut delight (non-dairy and scrumptious coconutty, chocolate mounds of deliciousness). Now, what was that point you was makin', gennlemens?
None, wasn't me, wasn't sayin enythin bout enybody a tall...
Oh, yess you did! FIBBER! I yam sharpennin' somefink speshul jus' for you, Mikey the traitor! As for that moff - well, he's gunna get a good stompin'.
Traytor meeeee, never ever ever,,, loyal as a old Labrador i is
Yeah, butchoo said it to the MOFF! My mortallest emmenny! You was makin' mock of me, mockmaker!
Dear me, such calamity! And wots all this stuff about a hound called Wiffa?
Phhh, he dont nose ennyfink a tall, cuz he inner edumacated like what we is.
Not edjumacated??? Snot true at all! I'm coofer n wot you is.
Huh, yoo carnt even spell proper like wot i does, downt no wot speld queuer yoo is usin butt i wood ask four yoo's muny back...
My dear man, I fully agree that you "carnt even spell proper" as you yourself have stated. Happy now? Dear me!
Nearlee happy, 6 numbers on the euro lottery might just break a smile :O)
No corse i izent dear, cheep hat half the prise, 'E by gum lass, c'om quick truble at 'T mill, ? Juss Wear has you pickid up that Yorkshire accent mmmm????
I think all Oztralians should have at least one pet Pomgolian :O)
Whooops, no not really, just have a little tray in the corner of the bedroom and bobs your uncle Nellys your Aunt !!!
I thought it was a china pot. The situation is much worse that I thought!