Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Do ask.
Now we was discussin' my love life. I had a dream about MacGyver the other night. Do you think I should fess up an tell Matt, or will he think I'm a hussy?
Yeah,, mine are always nightmares, never nice dreams, be a nice change to dream a nice dream :O)
Well, hands off MacGyver! He's mine.
I is dezzie,,Sadly for a change you is right! its in the breeding you knows!
Cut and pasted the above.
Ah, yes, breeding. I remember that.
Ha ha,,,i dont bat for the other side at all Dezzie oh no,,,
Breeding/nice cup of tea???
"Lest we forget."
Only the Best Sausages here on my beloved RGB,
If they wasn't made outa lips, testicles, eyeballs an' ears, they look good enough to eat.
Fabulous photo. In years to come, when you're dead, them snags will hang next to Mona herselluf.
Tellin you Dezzie, your no doubt right again,, They is the bestest one on ere, and believe me ive looked at the rest, got no body to um, pathhetic they is when compeared to my ones!
You is handing outa challenge. I jus' might run wiffit. I have some chicken sausages - free range, naturally - an I plan to cook 'em some time. If I remember, I shall make a work ovart wot rivals even your snags, jus' see if I don't. Well, hard to be gooderer, but I'll try.
Let me juss say this two yoo's, If you do take a bettererer one than mine,,an to bee honest i canna see see yoo dooin that cuz i iz a Artiste an yoo,,,err,,,errr,, well, juss pick on me really dunya :O)
Ah, but that's juss my uvver hobby, innit? I is also a artiste - well, it's tap dancin', but it's close. Pickin' on you is only part time, Mikey. Yer a weak, poor lad wot I gets the boot into cause I'm like that.
Yeah I Knows, they all did warn me ov ya, said you wanna a one to turn your back on, an two keep both eyes on ya @@
Well, you losted THAT bet, young Mikey ol' son! I just finished stuffin one inna henvelope anneye sent it to you care of yer Mam. They tole me it'll take three weeks to get there.
I sent himma sammidge. Not my problem iffit harrives a tad stale.
And yoo sed yoo woz my friend, Hiff yoo woz yoo wood of cent it hair male sow i cud have eaten it fresh, not stale, Ah well,, they did tell me yoo was spiteful..
Thanks Phil for your support, Im still wearing it??
Truss you two to support each uvver. Men. Can't live wif 'em, not allowed to kill 'em.