Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
"Speak of the devil and he will come to you" - there is a photo of prickly pear in the new photos!
Dont look very appetising to me, little too green and cactus looking!
prickly pear = cactus vijg (fig)
information stored "ting"
Christine you is just a little golden nugget of information you is, Tinging over in the background like a little computer you is,,, I said it looked like a Cracktus din I hey!!
Yes, but you has a posh coatofarms, an' she was likely in awe an' underwhelmed. Give her her due, she unnerstands yer limitashuns. Rats an' fings.
Not has well as yoo though mmm,, crest goes way back to Edward the 1st of England, after the wade family done him a little favour in Scotland!!!,, rest and be thankfull pass, thats all im saying...
I don't know how far back my fambly crest goes, but it has a pig's head on it, an' it's haccurate.
Ha ha, more like its a boars head my dear, which of course stands for Hospitality.
Does it? So I'm boaring? And that means people like me? Well, I never!
You know what they say Dezzie,,, you learn summot new every day..
Han' very accurate, if it comes from the keyboard of the Welsh nobility. Or was that knobblyility?
Yer head is knobbly too. Or are those just extensions an' upgrades by the rat? I love the deck.
Na,,those is just the lumps left after you been bitten by horse flies, they clear up in a month or two..
You have flying HORSES??!! An' they bites? Why has I never read this in Pomgolian history books?
Feel like a horse has bitten you when a horse,,,,,,fly bites you (an insect that normally bites horses) it dont look like a horse No, it looks like a BIG fly.
We has them, an' I bin bit. Sore, itchy for days, nasty, evil things! Poor wild animals heve to put up with them.
@509: there you go again. Never now wether you are complementing or condemning..
they make tea out of cactus figs too
but that taste is too sweet for me
I must say you do your shopping in a strange shop that sells nettles and cactus and fig tea ... yuk, dont like the sounds of um, ill stick to my Earl Grey thanks you very much!!
I have tried a lot of herbal teas, but I haven't found many that I'd have again. I also hate Earl Grey. When I used to drink caffeinated tea, I used to have two teabags in a cup, then I'd stick it in the microwave to stew it. Strong, sweet and milky, and I'd have about four of those per day. I was always having heart palpitations (I have a bit of a heart problem anyway), so I'm glad I gave up when I did. Now I have maybe one or two cups of cocoa - weak - per day. It's not very good for you, but it isn't addictive, and it doesn't make me feel anxious. Unless I'm addicted or it's winter, I don't really feel like hot drinks.
In summer I began making dairy-free smoothies, with flavoured soy milk, lemon sorbet, banana and soy yoghourt, with a dash of maple syrup. They were so good!
@ 525 have you tried mint tea?
I am addicted to it and have four different blends of mint tea
I have never liked the taste of coffee
and with milk and sugar it tastes even worse, yuk!
morning, noon and night it's tea for me
No, I can't remember ever trying mint. I wouldn't buy a whole packet just to try it, but I'll keep my eyes open for some in smaller lots. As for coffee, I never tasted it until I was quite old. My family never drank it. We always had tea. I dislike its taste, although I once had a cup of coffee that was very expensive, and it tasted divine. It always, without fail, upsets my stomach, so I never drank it very often. I am just so much stronger without caffeine, and it's no loss after you get over the addiction.
Whazzzzup ,,with you, i need caffeine, i by neat caffeine and mix it in with me coffee, followed by a red bull, then for lunch.....