Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
But,,But you live in the beautiful land of Oztralia, where the sun shines all day, and everybody sez G'Day, Dont you live for that....
I watch telly,,It never rains in Oztralia,, Rolf told us all over here that its as dry as a crickets crutch in Oztralia,,,So are you tellin porkies again!!!
(very good stockphoto in the upper left corner)
So it does rain in Oztralia ,, Where's Rolf
Ah there he is!!!
Rolf is really more British than Australian these days. He's sort of ceased his Aussie development in the 1960s, and the country has moved on. I like him, and he's an extremely talented man, but he's far too cosmopolitan to be the real deal.
Glad to see Grunn is ensuring my veracity.
Yeah,,think you right, Rolf is a English man at heart i think, even though his family is / was Welsh... :O)
He's lived there for longer than he has lived here, as far as I know. He's a great artist, though. I remember his old shows in the ?70s, I think, where he would do the big murals. I used to love those.
Yeah,,litle bit of black here, little bit of yellow there,,,,with a 10 inch brush for the detail,,, Yeah I remember Rolfie,,,London palladium 19 Bow and Arrow...great stuff,,,Sun a rise in da mornin shedding all the light all around,, O0000000ooooh two little boys had two little toys,,,,Sorry,,,cant help myself now im in Rolfie mode,,I,m Jake the peg diggle diggle peg with my extra leg diggle liggle ...SORRY,,Tiz only i was brought up on Jam butty's and Rolf harris....
No wonder you want to walk around Australia. I think you'd better take a packed lunch.
Yeah,,watched um all,,Home and Awayyyyyyyyyyy....'struth kylie,,even practised me Oztralian language,,
Well,,Over here it means to hit some one,, to clobber them,, but in Australia, it probably means something totally different!!!
Nope, no honorary Orstrayans among you. It means clothing.
Well if you would have waited just a second if you please i was just gonna say clothing too, but trust a women,, NO PATIENCE ! I knew that really honest truthful ..
Would you mind pullin' yer gargantuan pointy nose outa my eye? It just suddenly pushed its way into my face! I wonder what could possibually have caused that?
Know what you trying to say, and listen here ,,,,,,,,are you listening ,,, I can never tell a lie,,never ever,,,and with that in mind, Im off to visit family, betty and phil, bless um, always make you welcome but the only problem is, its such a walk to the toilets at the palace..
OWWW! Now I'm pinned to the wall! You're doin' that on purpose!
Oh well, don't believe me, Betty said, if one's free for an hour could one take the corgies for a stretch, She thinks William has the farts and that's a sure sign he needs a walk...
a clobber is a very pretty lady in very ugly boots!!
Mmmmm,,, thought them there Oztralian Booty's was called "Ugg's " now i see they call them Clobber,,want to make their minds up dem Oztralians does,,,
Obviously the company has called itself that because we call clothing - particularly fancy clothing - "clobber". Ugg boots are the warmest things in winter. But they aren't usually worn by the middle classes here. The down at heel poorer classes, with blue jeans and a daggy jumper. It gets really cold in the southern states, and a lot of people wear them at home. If your feets is warm, so is the rest of you.