Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Hey,,Hey,,no neeeeed for that,,what you poke me in the eye four Hummm!
O00000oooooh your a naughty naughty gurl you are,,Now, back to business, my sausage needs airing,,yes, ,,, no need to look at me that way Dezzmerellda,, they is the finest, if not the utmost bestest sausages on RGB and have they been Aired,,,,,,,,NO!,,,Why? ,,, SssNO good looking at your nails and grinning,,I want a answer and i want it,,,well,,,whenever you got time really, before the weekend would be nice cause ive gotter take ma to have the tv remote removed....
Yes,Yes,,they was,,Flashing,and spattering all over my frying pan, But, they are the bestest bangers you ever did see,,,I rest my case!!!
Snags on a buttered bread roll with tomato sauce. MMM! Is there anything better? Yes. Dental surgery.
God gave us Canine teeth to rip through meat, nice pork sausage dont take much chewing threw,,, mmm mmmm mmmm....
God gave us Canine teeth to rip through meat, nice pork sausage dont take much chewing threw,,, mmm mmmm mmmm....
He gave pandas sharp carnivore teeth, too. And what do they eat? Pig meat is probably the worst for antibiotics. Just loaded with it, from birth. I like beef sausages, and I hate getting gristle in them!
One thing bout you Dezzie,,,,you aint,,,never,,,,ever,,,,stuck for a answer are you gurl,,,,!!! :O)
Nope. I has a opinion on evyting - even stuffs I ain't heard of.
You indeed impresses me with your boundless knowledge, And i no doubt impress you with my intelligences....
All of them, yes. Although I think some of them are just the voices in yer 'ed.
Told you not to mention badger,, only you knows bout him!! now you mentioned him and everyone will know,,,and,,,,, its,,,,, all,,,,, you,,,fault,,,,,,,,yes,,,it,,,,is.....
You knows its a badger not a rat,SSwhy you keep Sssaying Rat cuz its not ,, your just in one of them moods today aint ya,,,,I knows you knows,,i can tell,,,
If it ain't a rat, why izzit eatin' cheese an crackers? 'Splain that, my little infested friend.
You is speeking absolute poppy cock,,Dont know what you meen,,dont know anythin bout anythin you talkin bout,,,you must be alucynating...mmm take a tablet or sumfink!!!
Ahhhhh,,,the night garden!!!!
Its in my home town of Oswestry Shropshire, as a young handsome boy i would play here, I have many happy memory's of the place,,,Ahhh,, to be young again!!!
And handsome again...
Maybe if you takes them teefs full time.
Oh you just wanted to SHOOT ME DOWN IN FLAMES didn't you...i was getting all atmospheric an every thingy then....