Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
Say wot? "Yor scarin' the giraffe"? You Pomgolians is 'streemly senkskitive.
Hey Dezzie its been a while since are Jimmy Daly went to the BIG photo studio in the sky ain't it bless him bet he's sat up there on a nice fluffy cloud laffing his nuts off polishing his Hasselblad camera,,cuz every one has a hasselblad when you goes to heaven you knows,,digital backed as well Ah Ha its true :O)
I'm kind of hoping for something better, but I guess I'll find out in good time. And I don't think he's up there yet - just asleep. I feel sad when I think about him. I really liked Jim.
Still, we remember him, and that's what matters.
He was an OK fella old jimbo, we miss him and his wit :O)
Since you changed the subjeck to avoid givin' me my giraffe, I can only assume it is losted.
GOOOOD MORNING RGBSTOCK.COMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,,And its a warm friendly welcome from a cold miserable foggy day on the Welsh English borderlands, How is my favourite Oztralian photographer today Hello!! Hello!! calling Dezzie Wezzie !!!
Keep the flippin' racket down! Geez! You goes missin' an' juss wollses back in wif notta hounce of shame! I cooked duzzens of cakes for you an woz forceded to eat 'em all! Now look at me!
Ha ha ha ha,,,Ahhh i have missed the cakes you made me that i never received :O)
And you tolded me yoo add posted um How could you do that to a gracefully ageing man ,,,,,,,,,HEY,,just how could you, DO you know how long i waited by the letter box no an yoo downt care ither either
No Symp,,no shimp,, You juss dont care does you, have you eated them all even the chocolate one with hundreds n thouzands onit. ??
Ahh well never mind lucky enough i have my black pudding sandwiches,,,mmmmm!
Oh, very nice, FRIEND! Now yor gunna make me throw up all that yummy cake! You has spite, you has.
Aghhhh,,Ive got stitch in my typing finger... 'struth it hurts,,Thats what you get from one finger typing :O(
Good. 'Spunishment for you bein' mean to me. I deserved that cake.
Knot when yoo sed yoo woz shairing it wiv me, yoo shood never make prommrs that yoo dunner keep an thats that :O(
Well, you better get a better mail system, then. They kept sendin' it back. Wot's a woman to do? I has a hungry.
Yoo shood of put a stamp on um and eye'd of got um then :O(
Zactly Mrs, short arms n long pockets you have, yoo woz honely hoping that i wood foot the postage,,well let me tells yoo thiz, i stitched my pockets up :O(
Oh, come on! I woz juss higgerant about stamps, thass all. I stamped onna envelope an' made it dirty an' all, buttit dinnet seem to work.
Huh, you knows aboot stamps all aboot um, you juss didn't wont to shair your cake :(