Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
And? I has been waiting and waiting and waiting and - well, you get the picshure. Buses have come an' gorn, an' you izzent here. You has changed up your mind, hazzent you? Or woz you kicked off the bus?
Think the drivers took a wrong turn, should have been a left n he's gone right Africa looks nuffink like wot Oztralia looks, stupid driver, turn around driver its over there look...
Well, I'm gunna hafta eat yor hamburger, then. Can't waste it, can I? You shooda paid for a express bus.
Yeah,, I told the bloody driver as soon as i seen the first giraffe we where in the wrong place :O(
Well, I'm goin' home. This concrete is wreakin' havoc wiff me backside. Gi's a call when you get in. Pick up a few souvenirs while you're in Hafrikka. One of them giraffes would be 'ceptable.
Mmmm, they is very nice them giraffes iz, stuck its head through the window and ate me jam and sardine sandwich took it strate outta me hand it did:O)
You haccuze me of eatin' rabbit food, but you hides the facket that YOU eats giraffe food, duzzentchoo?
Giraffes eat anyfing attall, juss like goats with long necks they is, scientists have no crossed a Alsation with a giraffe, Now they has a guard dog for the second floor :O)
Gee, thass why my car is allus covered in giraffes inna morning. They climbs like goats! Dang!
Your feeble attempt at humour made me smile, so I will give you points for that. Once you reach ten points, you get to buy me lunch.
Then i shall try harderer then, Its gud to smile n be funny helps mend broken things witch is why i tries too hard me thinks :O)
Well, hyme gettin' very hungry, so you shall have to try harder still.
Well Me Ma sed yoo is one of them ungrapfull women who iz never sattisfryd , an am beeginning two beeleeve her now :O(
Well, she has a point, I'll grant her that, but wot am hye to do, Mikey? I has demanding tastes an' it's in me genes, an' I yam powerless to change. So run along now an' get me a sammitch, woodja?
Well, she has a point, I'll grant her that, but wot am hye to do, Mikey? I has demanding tastes an' it's in me genes, an' I yam powerless to change. So run along now an' get me a sammitch, woodja?
What,,,What,,, Sammitch,,well let me just do me toenails first :O)
You keep those feet outa your mouth! You hazzent brushed your teefs - hevver - an you might hinfex them!
TSK! Gots to fix me own sammich, like a drone worker. It'll take TWO giraffes to make up for this!
Well you wood honly moan if i had made um, sniff,,me hands smells all salty juss like me feeties :O)
Thass cause that bus has been crossin' hoshuns, innit?
Yeah an the facked that we couldn't stop an wash me hands only spit on um two cleen um, makes um smell kinda sniff,sniff,sniff well ,,,pooie :O(
You always has to lower the tone, donchoo? WASH 'EM IN THE FLIPPIN' HOSHUN!
ITS OK ITS OK, sorted naw, the dogs licked um cleen, all the chockolate everything, knot heeven sticky now, Hear Snell take a sniff....
You orta be condemmeded, you ort! Take yor fingers outa my nose, hiff you don' mind! Yor scarin' the giraffe.
HOW CUD you say such a thing, i wouldn't say something like that to me worstest henamy in the wurld ,,,and your nose was running, see cant help you for donig wrong can i hey,,hey,,,can i hey? :O(