jingleman (Bill Dean)

Use any of my images as you see fit. In no way am I a professional. It would be nice to have my website mentioned, though... wmdean.com. Thanks.

name: Bill Dean
gender: male
city: Victoria BC
country: Canada
RGBstock since: October 2015
gallery go to the galleryrss feed
Photos on line: 20
Downloads: 87

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jingleman's most popular photos | show gallery | show most liked photos

closeraindrops on pine needles

closeraindrops on pine needles

1080px * 720px


tea in fancy china cup

tea in fancy china cup

2496px * 1664px


crossing wooden bridge in rain

crossing wooden bridge in rain

1936px * 2592px


concrete pond from above

concrete pond from above

1080px * 720px


spider and raindrops on web

spider and raindrops on web

1080px * 720px


japanese farmer

japanese farmer

1080px * 720px


rows of rubber tires

rows of rubber tires

2496px * 1664px



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