From Yahoo news:
An official in Spain says a flaming-horned bull has fatally gored a man during a festival in an eastern town.
Large balls of flaming wax are traditionally affixed to the beasts' heads before they are let loose to rampage through narrow streets in such festivals.
The mayor of Navajas - population 730 - said emergency services in his town were unable to save the life of the 45-year-old man.
Jose Vicente Torres said the accident happened early Saturday when the man, whose name was withheld, tripped just as the bull was released.
Many towns in east and northeastern Spain celebrate feasts with "toros embolados," or "flaming bulls," which feature the animals racing around, shaking their heads as a reaction to flames or fireworks attached onto or close to their horns.
My response - What abject cruelty to do this to an animal and then think it's good fun to watch them crazed with fear. Not only is bull-fighting cruel, they resort to this.