Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaa!! Oooh Ha ha ha ha ha I feel much better now,,,Brilliant :O) even made me smile.. gotta share this if's you donts mind's :O)
I'm really sorry to hear that, Mike. I hope you will be feeling better really soon.
Why you laffing then? i can see you, Im on Unclebiotics,,Cuz they is stronger than Auntyboitics see,,so i'll be better befour you know it :O)
I don't think anybiotics is good, but we muss do as the devil drives. Or sumfin'.
I have no choice at the moment Dezzie, i have a problem that needs medication, and before you ask NO! its not sailors itch ha ha ha :O)
Medication. We had to buy some to kill headlice (or worse) on some clients yesterday. The things were crawling everywhere! I've never seen such bigguns. Possibly body and pubic lice as well. *sigh* Makes me itchy just thinking about it.
Well, get well soon, Mikey. I hate feelin' guilty when I pick on you.
Ha ha ha,, Nothing like a few pubic lice to get the party scratching, paraffin oil works well on um but boy it dont half make um jump when you splash it on um, :O)
I,m on the mend again now thanks Dezzie, soon be as gud as new :O)
I'm glad you're getting better. One gets so bored being nice. The queen should lop off a few heads occasionally. It would do her mental health no end of good.
Where are you aiming that,,Betty dont cut heads off no more, hell we'd have no MP's
I was merely implying that it's much easier to be awful than nice.
Phfffff,,,Well,,,,I just dont understand why they call you Gurls the fairer Sex? Cuz to be honest you Gurls have a darker side than Darth vader :O)
You hain't seen nuffink yet, ol boy. And yet, we raise the kids while you lot go off an' shoot at each other.
Ive seen more than enough tell you, i muss hadmit i took an very hacktive roll in the up bringing of my Gurls :)
Good. That's how it should be. I hate it when a man says that looking after the kids is woman's work. Fair enough, if he works and she doesn't, then the daily burden is hers. But after work, they both need to be involved with them. Why miss all the best years with them?
Loved every minute every second with my Gurls bless um, they have a fantastically wicked sense of humour which they have inherited from me, Im proud of my children and i think of all of them every day without fail :O)
I used to lie my son on my legs and stare at him while he slept when he was tiny. It always gave me a sense of awe and calm. I remember feeling so overwhelmed by the joy of having him.
These days I could clobber him. How times change! LOL
Yeah, mind you Dezzie lads are a challenge the best of times, my grandson is a little stick of dynamite bless him, his mum knows she's got him bless her :O)
When I see the contrast between my son and his daughters, the difference is huge. He was okay as a child, but certainly not into the crafts and things I really enjoy with the girls. I would have likes a few more kids and at least one girl.
Yeah my gurls love going shopping with their mum its a very tight bond between a mother and daughter, never mind Dezzie you have two beautiful grand daughters to make up for not having a gurl yourself and they truly are little beaut's aint they super nanny :O) ha ha ha
Yes. God apologised for the mistake twice! LOL
I think I've said this before, but my son's best friends all through primary school were identical twins, then in high school his best friends were identical twins, and now he has his own identical twins. I reckon fate was getting him ready. Or it's catching.