Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
'N lookit what they has done to your face! Or is you holdin' your breff?
Yeah ive had to have a skull extension to hold my massively intelligent brain, the surgeon said my colour should return once i get a pulse, why do you like the new look :O)
Well, it's certainly an improvement on nature. That pink skin is so yesterday.
Why thank you ,,,h'only trouble is my brain is still growing into me skull :O)
High knows that Dezzmerellda but cuz i knows sow much me brain as growed until it popped out me ear ole, sow i had two have a extention, tell yew now Dezzie, me skull will be full to my highbrows by cristmas.
D'you think you'll get your pulse back by then? Ony, you might start to decompose well before then. Maybe you better drink some formaldehyde?
Well, now yew menshone it, sniff,,snifff, a dingo has been following me around a bit juss latelee :O(
No, they don't eat carrion. An' you are always carryin' on. It might be on of them carnivorous badgers. Be careful!
Very dangerryous animals badgers are, bean known to eat the toes of campers without um even knowing it, tell ya, they would probably eat drop bears for breakfast and just leave the fluffy bits
Drop bears hain't got fluffy bits. They is covered wif metal spikes. Little punk tree dwellers they is.
Your nose is twitching and your highbrow is in overdrive,,,you is tellin little porky pies again aint ya?
Honly to keep up wif your badger-ing, hiff you gets my drift...
Yeah, i like the drifters too, hunder the broad walk yeah great yeah...
Groovy, even. *sigh* Livin' in the past, that one. Blue in the face an' whut does he do? He SINGS POP MUSIC from the 60s! That's appropriate!
Gotta go to bed. Gotta be up early. Good night my little musical friend.
Simon and Garfunkel, what great songs they wrote and sung together.
Dezzie, I knows it aint appropriate but it makes me feel better :O) sing and lighten the heart, cry and dampen the spirit, juss made that up! ha ha ...
I always liked "Only livin' boy in New York". And "The Boxer". I can sing all of that. They were wonderful together. Their harmonies were perfect. I never liked them as single artists.
My concern is that your face is still blue. I had an intriguing conversation with the surgeon today. He was asking my opinion on aliens. I was kind of hoping he'd put down the sharp thing and back away.
Mikey - I really think you should come out and say it. C'mon, don't be shy. The truth is.... you's a Smurf, aintcha?!?
Youv'e Smurfed with the wrong smurf now Moffy man :O)
Worked too, Im now revealing the very rare Welsh happy worm only found in The beautiful land of Wales, i spotted this one in my garden :O)
Really?? I thought it was a happy toadstool, like Smurfs sit on.