Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
Yeah i like trifle's full of fruit, strawberry jelly, custard, no cream.. sugar free jelly wont hurt, its all water and water wont harm ya,
I'll have the sugar, please. Aspartame etc is poison. And stoppit! I'm hungry again!!
I remember my kid bro eating sugar buttys, you could hear the sugar crunching between his teeth..
as a child i loved sugar on toast, (yuk) the things we ate as children it makes the belly go weird!
well done mikey!
I never did that. I preferred savoury stuff, and used to eat a lot of salt. Not on anything, just salt.
I don't do it now, although I still like salt. I have always preferred savoury foods to sweet.
I had ulcers for years, so I avoided them. In recent times I find I can eat hotter things, but I don't really like to feel my mouth burning. I like curries more as my tastebuds die of old age, but they are not my favourite. I love Chinese food - probably western style - like lemon chicken, anything with Peking sauce, sesame oil in everything. I do like peanut sate, as long as it's mild (yes, I know it's not Chinese). And anything loaded with garlic! A local pie shop makes these chicken and garlic pastie things. OOOH! I love them!
Ha ha,,garlic,, chicken & Garlic pasty and no friends, well until you've brushed and flossed, i like garlic too,good for the blood system, tastes good too, i like garlic bread with everything ..
Oh yes, and i would like to thank you for your kind remark on {you know what?} friend :O)
Ditto for all your kind remarks. 'Cept the one on the toilet wall. I felt that one was uncalled for, although flattering.
The good thing about being the boss is that you can stink the place up, and they have to be nice to your face. Brushing and flossing are mere paper darts against the smell of other people's garlic. It's a price I'm willing to pay. I love onions, too, but they don't love me. I adore leeks in soup! They just make a soup taste divine. And fresh sweet basil and tomato is as good as it gets. Can you tell I'm hungry again? LOL
Ha, yeah,,Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr What you doing in the fella's dunny then?
Tell you what, if i lightly fry the onions in a little olive oil i can eat them ok, like on a bap/roll, but raw, oh no, get me within a hour of eating them, yet i too love them in a salad, along with spring onions mmmmm, hungry now,,see what you done...
I was in the terlet doing a inspection. I always like a little light reading.
I like getting a whole bunch of spring onions and making a soup out of them. It's delicious!
I have eaten a delicious soup made from broccoli and garlic, but I've never been able to duplicate it. One day I'll look for a recipe.
Here ya go girl:
1 tbsp vegetable oil
½ onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
150g/5½oz broccoli
300ml/½ pint chicken or vegetable stock, hot
2 tbsp double cream
drizzle of sesame oil to serve
Preparation method
1.Heat the oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic and fry for 2-3 minutes.
2.Chop the broccoli and divide into stalks and heads. Add the broccoli stalks and fry for 4-5 minutes.
3.Season and add the hot chicken stock and broccoli heads. Cook for 4-5 minutes, until the broccoli is tender.
4.Stir in the cream and process with a hand-held blender.
5.Serve in a bowl, drizzled with sesame oil.
O000ooooh i say that sounds yummy, now how do you turn the cooker on!
The one I had didn't have cream, but I'll try this without. Thank you, Phil! I hope it's as nice as the other that I had.
Yes, phil will post the bill on to you dezzie, you know, for services rendered, £15.00 a recipe is a bargain dont you think :O)
I'll take it out of the prize 'munny' I've got on another thread :0)
Yeah, im not allowed to take part in that as i won, fairly and squarely the sxc version of the same thing, and i feel it wouldn't be fair to win this one also :O)