Thanks, could of warned me though, as the shock has made me go all Funny-er than normal... :o)
I tell you Dezzie she will bite anything that moves, Her bit the doctor once, right on the ear as he was listening to her breathin, We had to wait a whole hour before we could get her off, Well until her Denturegripp give way, was a horrible sight.. :O( frighting even, So if you want to risk it, Yeah she'll chew your toenails/foot/ankles off for you...
Mikey, has you inhairyted the madness? I mean - might mean you will do these fings inna future...
I think it's time for a different front page picture
hint hint
GRONINGEN!!!! I THINK YOUR RIGHT, Iv'e got a lovely shot of some sausages cooking, they would look a treat on the front page just sizzling away....
Dezzie Dezzie Dezzie,,,,,I aint told eny one this beefour butt, I,m Haddopted, I is the resulting hoffspring/ love child, of Dr Ivor Biggun and miss lilow lily from Llanyblodwel, so i,m as safe as houses ...
And whats wrong with this for the front page HEY, HEY,,,Tell me,,go on,,Tell me??
Nearly as good as my Sausages :O)
Well No, but very very close to the perfection of them lemons, wood you knot agree, mmmm, hey wood you ah, mmm ,,,, hey!!!
Well, as snags go, they are certainly the epitome of banger rapture, but I can not tell a lie, Mikey. They is nuffink compared to them lemmings.
I knows that Dezzie them lemmuns are at the heppycentre of purrfection,, i knows it, people say to me when i,m shopping , hey you,,,hey you with the lemmuns,, have you paid for them,,, security,,,,SECURITY!! But yoo just gotta get a gudun aint yoo..
@223: thank you for the link
Dezdemona doesn't like meat
so the sausages will not appeal to her
They must do??? Prime cut bacon from happy smiling free range piggy's,, only the very best for my sausages, And actually Dezzmerellda did say in private, just how nice my sausage looked, :O)
That wasn't me. It must have been dark, an' you thought it was me. I have no idea who that would have been. Seriously. No, really.
???????????????????? I,m lost for Words ????????????????,,,NO really????
What?? who's fake?? santa?? Now your just being silly, If santa's fake, Why do they sell suits only in his size???? Go on,,Answer that without smiling??? Yeah see you know sants's real,,,. :O)
Yes, Virginia Happyture, there is a Santa. Grunn, how could you dash his dreams like that? You know he's not bright.
Who's Virginia??? cuz eye dont no,,,,And dezzie, hime as sharp as a swiss army knife, and i got just as many tools, how dare,,just HOW DARE you say im not Bright,,, Hobviously you have not seen me torch have you, DD Duracell batteries it'll burn your eye,ses out,,
I was refurrin to , "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus", wot you can look up on the hinternet.
Don't take offense, Mikey. I'm jus' trying to get Grunn to be nice to you. It's not the first fing peeple finks when they meets you is all.
Yes yes ,,, now wots yew meen,,, but i cant help it if they got no humour, nope as dry as a bone in the dessert they is!!!
Tha's a unfortunate dessert indeed. Never go back to that cafe.
I fancy custard, wif all this talk of dessert! Too late to make any now (I use flavoured soy milk, maple syrup, cinnamon, and it turns out really nice.) Is maple syrup expensive there? It's like liquid gold here!
I,ll sell you sum mable syrup cheep, no not too bad here, think the cunadians like us init, Watt eye cant understood is WHY you are talking bout bloody pudduns four, Phhh, and you say i,m not bright????
You said there was bones in yer dessert. Some people carnt remember from one post to the next.