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4 seasons on 45 seconds

1. jimdaly9817 February 2011, 18:39 GMT +01:00

Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.

1322. happyture29 October 2011, 16:22 GMT +02:00

your pass has run out now hasit, gotta go home then and feed the hanimals :O)

1323. xymonau29 October 2011, 16:52 GMT +02:00

Ah, well, Brisbane just wasn't the same when her maj left.

I was lucky. The roads were all blocked off as I arrived in Brisbane, and I had no idea of an alternate route to my motel. But Brisbane is so huge, by the time I actually got into the city, the roads had just opened again.

I love driving the work vehicle. It's a big Ford ute that I can barely climb into (well, not in a lady-like fashion, anyway). It has so much power compared to my old bomb of a car. You plants your foot and it literally leaps into action. I found myself belting down the highway at some rather scary speeds which I will not confirm in writing! LOL I didn't even feel the speed, and only realised when I looked at the speedometer. I'd be a real hoon if I had half a chance.

1324. happyture30 October 2011, 7:49 GMT +01:00

Lovely,,,Sounds like your highlight was the monster truck,,ah well it is nearly Halloween, :O)

1325. xymonau30 October 2011, 8:10 GMT +01:00

I want to get on my soapbox about halloween. We never, ever celebrated it in this country. It was a foreign thing. Since the internet, suddenly people are celebrating it everywhere. It's a nasty celebration, as far as I'm concerned, and I wish it hadn't seeped in here. Yuck.

1326. happyture30 October 2011, 8:51 GMT +01:00

No, no, Dezzie say what you really feel about Halloween Ha ha ha ,,,trick or treat :O)

1327. xymonau30 October 2011, 10:54 GMT +01:00

*sigh* Like talkin' to a foreigner, it is.

And are you well and happy, Mikey?

1328. happyture30 October 2011, 11:59 GMT +01:00

Well,,Well as im gonna be, And i always try to be Happy, cuz its just as easy to be happy as it is to be miserable, and i do prefer happy, i know it makes your face ache holding a smile all day but in my eyes thats a small price to pay, because smiling is infectious you know Dez,,,yes indeedy, i look at you avatar and as if by magic my smile is set for the day :O)

1329. xymonau30 October 2011, 12:34 GMT +01:00

I look at yours and I have a strange urge to don white gloves.

Yes, a positive attitude is definitely better for you, but there are times when mine flies way out the window. Never mind, we're all human. Although some is part rat.

1330. happyture30 October 2011, 22:31 GMT +01:00

Rat? do you never stop,,juss for a while? It was a hafter heffect of the soup you gave me, i have now made a full recovery,,well except for the urge to dress as Mario ...but thats your fault too...did you not say you liked men in uniforms ???

1331. xymonau31 October 2011, 10:47 GMT +01:00

Yeah, but toddlers in uniforms - meh!

No, I think I don't stop. I think I might plague you hall your life 'cause it's flippin' non-normal to rent headspace. Admit it. An' my begetavle soup can not be blamed. That is hearsay an' gossip.

1332. happyture31 October 2011, 12:42 GMT +01:00

Yew is telling flipping stories again,,juss tell the trooth go on,,,it'll only sting four a minute,,that soop dissolved my spoon, and hafected my brain, juss like watt yew ment it two doo...

1333. xymonau31 October 2011, 13:03 GMT +01:00

Well, you woz teeterin' hon the hedge of hinsannitty hanyways. I jus' gave you a shove.

1334. happyture31 October 2011, 14:28 GMT +01:00

So yew hadmit it then,,poisoninging people juss four fun!

1335. xymonau1 November 2011, 11:20 GMT +01:00

I diddent enjoy it much.

1336. happyture2 November 2011, 9:42 GMT +01:00

No i can see by the look of glee on your face you didn't enjoy it much, I personally dont know how you could do such a thing, you know, with me being such a nice friendly person an all,,,Dont listen to the papers today's news tomorrows chip papers, I am a nice person you just ask that deaf dumb and blind kid who plays the mean pinball....

1337. xymonau2 November 2011, 10:11 GMT +01:00

Yeah, I meant to arsk you - how DID you blind 'im?

1338. happyture2 November 2011, 12:05 GMT +01:00

I borrowed your pointy stick remember,, you said it would do the job :O)

1339. xymonau2 November 2011, 12:38 GMT +01:00

OOOH! Don't tell such big fibs! I tole you to use yer own stick!

1340. happyture2 November 2011, 18:46 GMT +01:00

YOU NEVER DID,,,you said use mine its poked many a eye owt, han you give me the pencil sharpnererer to go with it,,remember????

1341. xymonau3 November 2011, 10:23 GMT +01:00

Ha! Gotcha! I hain't GOT no pencil sharpener! I uses me teefs.

1342. happyture3 November 2011, 11:07 GMT +01:00

Well,,well,well, Errrr, Hummm, Its got your name in full on the stick, sez if found please return to Missy Dezzmerellda xymonau naughtygurl pain co, the little house by the billabong, A reward of a nice bowl of soop for the finder,,see its here in black n white :O) and thats the trooff..

1343. xymonau3 November 2011, 11:19 GMT +01:00

(Best American Accent) You can't HANDLE the troof!

Hey, that's not my writin'! OR my stick. HERE is my stick!

1344. happyture3 November 2011, 15:46 GMT +01:00

"Sharp intake of breath" this is your stick and you knows it..

1345. xymonau3 November 2011, 22:58 GMT +01:00

OOH! I yam not in need of metallic ends on MY stick! No siree, Bob. Mine is the finest jarrah timber, highly polished, and weighted precisely. It has Dunlop tyres an' a dvd player an' lambswool seat covers.

Oh, wait, that's my car.

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