Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
I said THEIR accents.
French is such an attractive language.
A xenophobe, you is, aincha? An' you is jus' jellyous. 'Cause your langwidge is fraught wif dubble ells an dees an yet the best surname you c'n find is flippin' JONES!
Its Williams Mrs get it right, the most common name in Wales is Williams so there.. im in mourning cheating ref , i heard him talking Frogese to them french just knew he had a shit trick up his sleeve, sent our captain off, red carded him,,never in the history of the rugby world cup as this ever happened before,, think it might have something to do with them french where getting a beating up untill then??
Take it like a man. The tackle was illegal, wasn't it? (Not that I know anything. I didn't see it.) never mind. Did you get drunk and mourn the loss?
The New Zealanders will probably beat the Aussies. They are very good. And the french will have to lift their game to beat them, but they may.
If you cant agree with me,,lets not talk about it,,,Bloody French!
Oh, alright, you woz robbed! Boo! Hiss! Darn French an' their amazing accents! Devils!
An' are you happy the Aussies lost? I'll bet you are! The kiwis are pretty good. I think they might win the whole thing, if they don't get nervous. It's easy for them to beat us. They loathe us.
Na,,I was rooting for The Aussies,, but its easy to see that the all blacks are gonna be taking the trophy home to polish, they are just so brutal on the pitch, they play a strategically perfect game and dont weaken, i say good luck to them they deserve to win the tournament..
I don't know why the kiwis are so good at that game. There are hardly enough of them to make a crowd, and they often dominate. go figure. Mind you, the maoris are huge, and most of the wites came from Scottish descent, so the power and pigheadedness - well, who can beat that? (And for all the Scots who are now offended, my grandmother was a Mackenzie, so I've inherited the trait.)
Ahhh well,,,nobody's perfect is they, you only as to look at me...
An' all I sees is perfeckshun, Mikey - sheer perfeckshun!
Oh, wait - you're over there. Wha? Oh, it wozza mirror!
Ha haaaaaaaa, look ive split me sides now, tell ya dezzie they broke the mould when they made you,,,:O)
You call me mouldy one more time an' I'll tell my big hugly hunkle.
I didnt mean it like that and you know it, Why has everybody got a BIG ugly Uncle...
Oh, we gots little ugly ones, too. But they's no good to put the frighteners on, now, is they?
Dont know,,,two of um might frighten you somewhat, specially if they has pointy sticks also as well as ugly mushes !!
Well, I gotta hugly mug hanna pointy stick. I guess I'm a bit of a fright. You may has a point.
I went to a new hairdresser tonight. At last I had a decent haircut. But I realised how small a world it is. Earlier this year at work we had a complaint from the police that some homeless men were stealing intoxicating plants from one of the neighbours, to the point where they had to cut the plant out. It turns out it was this hairdresser's house! We had a good laugh about it. It seems the guys originally asked his partner if they could have the flowers for their grandmother's coffin as they were her favourite flowers! ROFL! But they were back two days later, and they were pretty sure the grandmother had been buried by then. The homeless men got quite threatening towards them. Anyway, now he knows if anything happens again, he has a direct line to the boss! So funny.
Ha ha, now thats funny Dezzie, now't like a good titter first thing in the morn :O)
Its a good day today, plenty of sunshine so im happy..
Same here today - but clouds keep threatening. I have to go to the shops - only a couple open on Sundays in this backwater - to get some supplies for my son, who will be looking after the birds while I'm away. He would choke and die on my healthy food. Then I have to pack my bag. I'll go from work, as it's quicker, and I want time to get to the shops in Brisbane. There are no nearby take-aways where my motel is located, and it's a really rough area, so this little black duck will not be wandering the streets at night.
Thats good of your son to help you out there dezzie, a few steaks in the freezer and he'll be happy wont he,,i hope you have a good time away from home, you know enjoy yourself, night clubs, disco bars, just stick to the safe places :O)
An' where on erf 'ave I been?! I orta been shot stayin' away so long!