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At some point in the future...

1. fishmonk19 October 2010, 20:35 GMT +02:00

I know you are busy - I am not expecting work to start on this, but it is a longer term wish I want to share:

I'd love a page for geographical locations of contributors with stats for & search by country. Maybe a large clickable world map to see where contributors are situated / grouped?

2. saavem19 October 2010, 21:38 GMT +02:00

I bet is hard to get it, but I like it too.

3. GerbenVanErkelens19 October 2010, 21:45 GMT +02:00

me 2, I think it's a great idea

4. lusi21 October 2010, 0:12 GMT +02:00

love the idea!

5. crisderaud21 October 2010, 6:08 GMT +02:00

Right now we have 316 galleries/contributors. Not everyone reveals their location so we may not have significant stats on those 316 contributors unless they volunteer the information.

We do have the traffic map from Google Analytics that shows where most of our traffic originates. The current map for the last month looks like this: http://screencast.com/t/BPsigPk9lC

When you mouse over the map a pop-up gives you the numerical value for each country. There is also a chart below that gives statistical data for each country. The above screenshot is not active though and the Google Analytics aren't publicly available for our site.

6. Ayla8722 October 2010, 6:26 GMT +02:00

Perhaps more would volunteer the information just to be in such a nice stat.
The same would go for a stat on where the users are from.

7. micromoth22 October 2010, 14:48 GMT +02:00

@5 This is fascinating. I had long suspected, from the time of day of the downloads, that many of the folk wanting my images are from Asia. But though there clearly is a strong contingent from there, they are eclipsed by the cluster in the Low Countries! I had no idea that so many users come from there. Needless to say there is also very strong representation from North America, but this is not unexpected (though very welcome).

8. Ayla8723 October 2010, 10:09 GMT +02:00

@7 Well, since RGB is situated in the Low Countries and a lot of administrative work is done there it is no wonder that a lot of the traffic is generated there, too. This administrative work includes some of the photo approval work.

9. xymonau24 October 2010, 2:16 GMT +02:00

I think if an Australian site like this opened here, I'd support it, too. I guess people want to support locally grown sites. Perhaps Jay and Lennie would like to move? LOL

10. lennie25 October 2010, 19:13 GMT +02:00

@8 Well, actually, we keep ourselfs out of the stats most of the time. But I guess word of mouth might have helped. :-)

11. fishmonk25 October 2010, 22:43 GMT +02:00

I think it probably has!

12. crisderaud14 November 2010, 18:47 GMT +01:00

Here are the current stats for the top 100 countries that have visited rgbstock.

This is for a one month period http://screencast.com/t/DbvGIg7Iit

Some people may not be able to access this link. I keep it posted here for confidentiality reasons.

13. johnnyberg15 November 2010, 15:11 GMT +01:00

....wonder how many fro Denmark who is visiting - besides me. I guess (hope) some; because I am doing some PR for the site at the danish photosites I use for critics and stuff....

14. crisderaud16 November 2010, 0:24 GMT +01:00

John, here is all of Denmark by town and with a map http://screencast.com/t/46c9pLFKS

(data courtesy of Google Analytics)

15. johnnyberg16 November 2010, 1:38 GMT +01:00

WOW - what a great info - and very nicely done. I am in Vanlose, so I gues that I do take that 4th. place; but I am very pleased yo see that others are more frequent on the site than me - and apperently spends more time here than me :-)

16. crisderaud16 November 2010, 14:44 GMT +01:00

Here we have the map and listing for the top 100 cities that visited our site in the last month. This one is pretty cool and gives a good overall view of where we are most popular. http://screencast.com/t/rENpipnp2EEZ

17. lusi16 November 2010, 14:50 GMT +01:00

Hmm, Zagreb is 2nd. It cant be just me visiting often, or?

18. StariSob17 November 2010, 8:22 GMT +01:00

Well, i am one fairly regular visitor from Zagreb too... But i suspect there are others too :)

19. crisderaud17 November 2010, 16:04 GMT +01:00

Here is one more map overlay of the 22 sub-continents that visited our site.
This one makes it easy to compare the numbers by the general regions.


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