You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
Don't be silly. That's not in the
league as a vicious drop bear.
Depends upon whether your
prefers to be squished or mauled.
It would
to me that your obsession with dropping innocent beasties - as opposed to bears that live to drop on people - ought to be held in check.
You can't drop an elephant. Unless, of course, you are a blue whale impersonating a drop bear. I suggest you
your enthusiasm for the invulnerability of drop bears.
Oh, I did drop an elephant once. I was carrying it across the road, and I tripped. It caused a bit of a
because it fell on an old man. Still, he probably didn't have much longer anyway. I was personally offended by the handcuffs and the taser.
Well I guess that
it all up. If you see an elephant with handcuffs and a taser standing on the kerb you leave it where it is.
write that down in my journal. If I'd had it there originally I could have avoided all that jail time.
The best thing to do with an elephant with handcuffs and a laser is to
it quickly and run (just threaten to play a Des O'Connor record - very effective). Works on drop bears too, provided they're not deaf.
if you think drop bears care about Des O'Connor. All they care about is hunting Americans. Mind you, I think they hate listening to Frank Sinatra. I've been on the receiving end of several rather nasty scowls when humming, "My Way".
I know there is an evil
or a thousand out there. Drop bears can't be immune to all of them.
There are times when I'm lucky to be hard of hearing. This way I don't always have to
around and pretend that I'm able to run away very fast when there is music I don't like.
Since my body began to
running away from anything is just not going to happen, whether music, drop bears, hard of hearing friends or blue wolves.
stay away from those evil rain showers, then there is no chance that you will really rust. Trust me, it is better not to rust. When you beginn to squeak because of rusty joints this might frighten the drop bears. Your love for all kinds of creatures should forbid that. I would say this includes your cute pet drop bears.
Will anyone ever
the tide of bad music and drop bear depredation?
the one who will achieve this! It is I! A bit of axle grease will get me moving. And, Michael, clearly you have never met a drop bear. One of those and the word, "cute", simply can not exist in the same temporal space.
It is the
that, allegedly, will inherit the earth. I think you've just disinherited yourself.
Well, I must admit over here drop bears are hard to
Maybe they have enough to to to keep you busy. Or I'm also hard of seeing as far as they are concerned. I only have contact with their relatives once in a while, the gummi bears.
Drop bears don't bother me. They are just another source of
at the end of the day.
Drop cats like ours are worse, Mimi always wants to get fed. You can't
her appetite.
The thought of Dez applying axle grease to a drop bear is enough to put one in a
What bravery!
But poor bears! With all that grease how would they climb up trees? No wonder they're becoming rare.
Could be worse. She could be forcing
down their throats.