Hi Everyone,
I was kind of curious about the web traffic here. I noticed few downloads than previous years. It's great to see the website is operational after the virus. I will be promoting it soon. It's important for designers and photographers to have an alternative to expensive shutter stock digital content. Thanks for all the great work on the website.
Hi, cool! Obviously there is very little traffic. Larger free image sources with very broad rights popped up. Some have backtracked and gone from public domain to restrictions like ours now. But we remain a great alternative for exclusive images. If you click on the three lines next to the word, "admin" at the top of the page, you can see daily stats.
This website deserves a lot more credit. I've started on a video. I will need to look up restricted domain. It's a new term for me. It's important to keep this website alive.
Well, we have so far, and there is no intention of changing things. I think it's important, too. :)
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