Hi, Everyone.
I want to open a small studio in my home for photography. Does anybody have any suggestions about lighting equipment for a basic studio? I also purchased a new Nikon D7100. Does anybody have an idea for a flash for my D7100?
have a great week everyone
I'd be interested in this too.
Also what would you consider most useful in terms of backdrops, stands/tripods/booms for lights and/or positioning subjects...
Or is there a good online introduction? I found this, though its nearly 4 years old: http://www.dpreview.com/articles/8430608295/buyers-guide-10-home-studio-lighting-kits
Is the studio for photographing people or objects? I don't know anything about appropriate lights, etc, but backdrops should be plain if you want the subject/object to pop. Is this too basic for what you're looking at?
Thanks for the link xymonau, I will print it out and get the equipment priced soon. I want to create a studio that is good for models and objects. I'm also looking for more information about model release. I found one online that is about half an A4 page of paper. I tried a model release last week that was 1 full A4 page of legal text. The release actually scares people away so I will try a really short version of a release this weekend.
Yes, the shorter, the better, but be certain to cover all areas.
A basic release should cover permission to photograph for commercial purposes and releases the photographer from liability of the photo's. It will also include basic information about the person.