found an email but I don't know what to make of this??
Dear Groningen
Hello Woodsy, please could you let me know if I could use the image "pineapple" for a profitable website for free? Thank you
This message was sent from:
Is this a hoax?
Who is Woodsy
and what does a pineapple have to do with a finch??
I think they have had the wrong image open. Woodsy has a gallery on here.
I had someone negotiating with me to use my images, and we exchanged several emails initially about how they would be used, etc. It was sent from one of my pics. After I established that the use was kosher, I asked how many and which images she wanted to use. She sent me back a long list - none of which were mine! LOL I pointed her to the correct person, and she was very embarrassed about the mistake.
I personally have no idea how that mistake can be made, but perhaps they have images saved in their lightbox and click the wrong one or something. Just email her and point her in the right direction.
As an aside, I would be wanting to see the "profitable website" to see exactly how the image would be used. Café Press is a "profitable website".
I found the errant pineapple and left a message under it for woodsy to look at this forum entry.
thanks for the help Dez, so it's not the first time such a mistake has been made
I will email her