When I serach under xmasphoto2013 no images of TouTouke appear. They are there when I go into Agnes's gallery, but not in the competition. Just my computer or what?
It's not just you, Sanja. I can't see them on the competition page either.
I see the pictures of TouTouke in the competition, go 2 the last pages
The TouTouke photos are on page 2 indeed. The reason that they are 'ranked' so low is a little trick of our search engine.
The 'most relevant' pictures are shown first. The more keywords you add, the less relevant one single keyword becomes. And TouTouke did add a lot of keywords.
On the other hand, adding a lot of keywords is good, because the chance someone typing in that keyword becomes bigger.
Oops! :D
The keyword thing is a worry. It is the primary way for people to search, but putting enough pushes you further away from the front page? Can that be changed? I often wondered why many of my pics were in the last pages. I thought it was because I signed up in the very early days. Is there a way to cycle the images at all?
Thanks for your consern about my pictures but they have always been there