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forum > Technical questions > Spelling on upload of images

Spelling on upload of images

1. ColinBrough15 May 2013, 15:48 GMT +02:00

When uploading images, the drop-down list of categories for the second category has a spelling mistake: "categoryy" (two 'y's...) Can I get a prize for being too pedantic?! :-)

2. jazza16 May 2013, 23:58 GMT +02:00

Yes you can ;)

No, seriously: I am glad with messages like this Colin. We are working on translations for the site. Translations in foreign languages, like Dutch to start with. We need to strip out all the hard coded English text and that is quite a job to do and sometimes there will be small mistakes. So, if you see some strange things, please let me know.

3. mzacha17 May 2013, 11:30 GMT +02:00

And what about Polish version? ;-) I can help!

4. jazza17 May 2013, 15:09 GMT +02:00

I will keep that in mind, Michal

5. wolliballa17 May 2013, 18:25 GMT +02:00

I could help with German.........
Quite familiar with german-english english-german

6. jazza17 May 2013, 19:49 GMT +02:00

I will keep that in mind too Rainer; Thank you both.
It still will take some month work before anything could be translated though.
I will contact you guys when the time is there.

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