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Photoshop files

1. Gramps8 February 2012, 14:43 GMT +01:00

Is there any plans to allow photoshop file uploads. I don't mind uploading some of my pdf files where people might like to change the layout or colours of a graphic. Would also save me putting up combinations of the same graphic with a different layout/colour.
It would probably help some newbies see how some of the more complex graphic layers are created.

2. Gramps8 February 2012, 14:46 GMT +01:00

Oops! that should read 'Are there any plans' and 'pdf' should be 'PSD' .
Sorry I waznt teached proper woz I.

3. crisderaud11 February 2012, 15:20 GMT +01:00

It has been considered Phil.

The site is just not ready to work towards that yet.

Vector files have also been considered and we are not ready for those either.The guys are still running down niggling bugs and issues in their spare time. They have to keep the site design fresh too.

Some PSD files can be enormous depending on the number of layers. That is a consideration too. Yours may not be, but if we open up the site to accept them, we would have to establish a size limit and they may have to be sent as a zip file. Lots to consider for that format.

4. Gramps17 February 2012, 8:16 GMT +01:00

Fair enough, worth asking though :0)

5. micromoth17 February 2012, 9:52 GMT +01:00

Phil, you might consider uploading to a dropbox instead, where interested folk could download a PSD file. For personal (non-commercial) use, www.minus.com offer a decent service and it's free. Having uploaded, all you need do is provide the link.

6. Gramps24 February 2012, 13:39 GMT +01:00

Cool. I might just do that if there appears to be an interest.

7. fishmonk24 February 2012, 20:48 GMT +01:00

That is a really good idea. If there is a link to the PSD file next to an image in a gallery we could see how a complex image is built up.

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