Well its that time of year again, the photography shops are full to the britches with sparkly new cameras with more pixels and wonder gadgetry than you can wave a stick at, I am looking for a new camera but dont want to have a wheelbarrow to carry it around, I have been looking closely at the Panasonic G3 amazed at the size and control this camera seems to have, yet i am concerned that the iso settings only goes down to 160iso,,,,that i feel is rather high as my little fuji and Big Nikon go down much lower around 80iso with the fuji and 100iso with the Nikon,,,I can hear you all saying OMG he's rambling again, BUT i would love to hear your opinions on the many cameras that are on the market at the moment.
You,,you,,,you,, you didnt hask me to the party, well i tellin yoo naw Ma's not havin her teefs back and do you no wot, , , yeah she's juss bort herself a bag of toffee's and you no's wot i says,,,,Tuff tittys!!!
'Ow hon hurth cood we a arksed yew?? Yew woz floatin' an' gettin' seasick on yer own ear fluids! Yew mights throwed up! Yer Ma certainly did. As I said - bad party...
Throwd up me,,meeee,,,NO, Im,to tight to part with anything me...now eye feels all left howt..
Oh, alright. I lefted you some dregs inna bottle onna top shelf of ya pantry. I was gunna clean me winders wiffit, butchoo can drink it. There's about half a pint.
Mmmm, nice n flat juss like i like it, Ughh whats the bits in it dezzie??
Well, I did clean me shoelaces first. Melted 'em, 'cept for the hard bits. I'll never make THAT mistake a gain, right? Oh, an' me rash. I rubbed some on me rash, and a few scaly bits sticked to me fingers, so I swirled 'em around in the juice. Good, eh?
OMG,,,DEZZIE STOP,,,,,i felt meself going then be sick i was...
Butchoo sed it woz nice. An you flippin' well drinked it all! Now yer complainin' an' I got dirty winders!
Subject changed,,candy floss mmm, honey, sweeties, nice thoughts nice thoughts......
LOL I was told by a worker today from another section of my workplace that if I ever told her for the third time what I found in the toilet when I started work, she'd put her fingers in her ears and hum loudly. So I promised her there would definitely be a third time. I can't help it. I love to see grown people weep.
Yeah,,,are you taking medication for that infliction then? Oh Ma said as your a veghead would you like 1/2 kg of Brazil nuts, she said they are nice and fresh as she only bought then on monday but now she's sucked the chocolate off them she thought of you straight away,,,,Kind or what cuz i tell you dezzie she dont normally share..
I can see why, Mikey. I can see why.
Tell her I'm a bit full today, and thanks very much, but they disagree wif my medication for my affliction too much.
If I'm a veghead, are you a meathead?
Proud of being a meathead,,,mmmm meat, what you Xspeckt when my brother owns butchers shops ??
I kerspeck you to be strong an' guard your helf, meathead.
Errrrrr,,,no, i be weak and eat steak with the horns left on Veghead!!!
At least I don't get cow horns stuck in my teefs. Lots of spinach, though. You should see my great spinach smile!
Well at least its a eco friendly smile, fat free, while mine has bits of animal parts in it..
Not too much fat free this week. I've had a hankerin' for processed food. I bought frozen spring rolls, and the grease really turned my stomach. Not nice at all. I ate some and regretted it. Then I tried these green frozen things whose name escapes me - curried. Really nice - had to be steamed. Tonight I'm eatin' canned fake sausages and baked beans. I'd better be good tomorrow. However, for breakfast and lunch on my junk food days I've eaten well. Today I bought lunch - I never do these days. I got a sammidge somewhere, with good things on it. Big enough to kill a horse, it was. I was full after half, but i was noble and persisted in eating the whole thing.
congrats on the new camera mikey, its great when you get new toys, i got a canon speedlite for mine, santa was good to me this year, for once, lol,
as ive got older my eating habbits have had to change, i cant eat any spicy stuff anymore, infact its getting that most foods upset my tummy, i have been growing alot of my own food nowadays, got a green house last year, put heating in it over this winter and got great crops, what a diff, the only thing i dont like is the bugs that come with indoor crops, they give me the heeby jeebies, lol, but its worth it. Dez over here you hardly get enough stuff on a sandwich, they really tight with there fillings, plus they cost a fortune for what they put on it,
Goodness gracious me, Its our Canoncan't back again after 2 years, well its gotta be close to two years anit, Yes me new camera, the Panasonic G3 its Soooo small yet its got the heart of a lion, i really like it, i love that the lenses are smaller ie micro 4/3 so everything is lighter, easier to carry around, the sad thing is that i have been ill and the latest image here on (rgbstock.com the one and only bestest free photo site in the whole world) is only the 4th image taken with it, to be honest that image took 5 images to to create so in all 8 images with new camera, I am feeling better now so i shall soon be out and about more n more.
Dezzie, My sister Lisa Marie is a veghead and so is her daughter Katie May, and its funny to watch their faces while i,m eating a freshly cook bacon butty, they both cringe and turn away, they both said it makes them feel sick when they think of all that fat,,its the fat that they are worried about i think and not the animal cruelty thing, I said to them, I love animals, I really do, they taste so good :O)
I think bacon tastes nice, but for your health, it's a disaster. Often the first symptom of a bad heart or gunged up veins is sudden death. I have been bad again lately, so I can't preach to anyone. I'm not sure why, but I have been craving junk foods a lot. I was good tonight - lettuce leaves wrapped around tomato and cucumber with onion and mustard - that's a healthy and tasty wrap, I'll tell you - but then I followed it up with Tofutti dip, and that wasn't good. Still, I start the CHIP program next week, and I'll be as good as I can for that. I don't crave meat, though.
Karen, I have a dicy stomach. I'm on Somac, and it lets me eat most things, although I shouldn't. Try to have your last meal before about 6pm and don't lie down for 4 hours after. If you feel hungry later, it's not hunger, just your stomach shutting up shop. Let it rest. And don't eat in between meals, or you'll make it worse. Save your bikkies and cuppas for the meal itself. Olive oil, or plain salted olives - Sicilian ones are good - without vinegar, will soothe your stomach.
Not a whole lettuce leaf wrapped around tomato and cucumber with onion and mustard? really,,,,A whole lettuce leaf???