Ha ha ha ha ha OOOOOOW ha ha ha ha ,,,,whats that nervous twitch for dezzie, I aint a bunny boiler honest,,,right, now address please, i gotted the most himportant bit Oztralia juss give me the rest twitch twitch,,,,,
Go to the pointy bit an' turn right. You can't miss it.
is that the bit that looks like a Scotty dogs ear, or the other bit???
As far as I c'n tell, there's ony one pointy bit.
COME ON NOW PLAY THE GAME,,,you knows theres two pointy bits,,Cape York, and that pointy bit by Adelaide,,,Now speak the truth which pointy bit?
But that's a TINY pointy bit! I mean Cape York, of course. Follow the road souf, an' you'll see me. I'll wave to make it easier.
But Dezzie how will i know its you cuz lots of women wave at me all the time?
YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!!! I can say it,,,But you cant say that, I was a Ugly Ducking once upon a time,,Now im just a beautiful Fgly Ucker...
Can so say it. It's true. I don't feel very good about myself right now. But that will pass.
Dont be silly you is a marbulous women, loads of qualifications and stuff, car, your own teefs, huh what more you want?
Yeah, an I gots spare teefs I c'n borrer from you an' all. What man wooden't want me?
Well i muss sez they did look spisious , i seed them on google earth when i zoomed into your house,,All them old men lined up in their raincoats and Wellington boots, Smiling like cheshire cats all of um :OP
They tole me they was Mormons! I thunk they was a bit odd.
See Dezzie you is juss so sweet n gullible man's will take advantage of gullibleness like wot you has...
So they wozzent Mormon photographers who c'n make me faymuss?
NO, i think they was moron photographers, tryin to get a snap of you in that poka dot bikini,yes indeedy...