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forum > Technical questions > PEANUTS


1. Stephen17 August 2011, 16:51 GMT +02:00

Sorry, but I have to say it. n7NZXE6 This is not texture, background or abstract. It's a f....ing bowl of badly focused peanuts.

2. certifiable17 August 2011, 18:01 GMT +02:00

Jup most, if not all, of those peanut shots are fuzzy/badly focussed.
Not to mention the image quality...

but (and this just might be me) there seems to be a lot of weird images being uploaded(and accepted) here lately...

Moderation could be improved in my eyes.

3. Stephen17 August 2011, 18:34 GMT +02:00

Peanuts at 0 degrees, peanuts at 5 degrees, peanuts at 10 degrees, peanuts from above, from below, moderation, I think you are right

4. mzacha18 August 2011, 9:38 GMT +02:00

People need variety. One and "only good" degree is good, but in the Stalin's Russia, where one man knew better what is good for all ;-).

Let the people choose what they want to use and what not. If someone needs a 100x100 peanut image to use on the net, the fuzziness does not matter.

5. weirdvis18 August 2011, 13:39 GMT +02:00

Well someone is downloading them. :0)

6. Abyla18 August 2011, 14:20 GMT +02:00

I don't like how some comments are made here.

7. weirdvis18 August 2011, 16:11 GMT +02:00

Which is why uploading members have the ability to delete snarky comments. There will always be people who set out to be deliberately rude to provoke a reaction or because they think it's funny to be hurtful. :0)

8. Stephen21 August 2011, 11:23 GMT +02:00

Rude, not with intention to anyone, being provocative - I guess. 'snarky' - had to google it but can't but agree. Firstly, with embarrassment and much self-analysis - my apologies to a) the site - inferring 'bad' language isn't something I find edifying, b) n7NZXE6 owner - no personal issue whatsoever on my behalf, c) content - 'mzacha' you are right of course - if images download then there is clearly a demand. When my lack of tact and regret over my approach (hate the 'send' button) has subsided I will consider how to approach my real concern over the repetitiveness of images that occurs within the 'new photos' section. Again - I am embarrassed by what was my ill-considered outburst. With appreciation to those who either didn't jackhammer me or gave considered responses - weirdvis.

9. weirdvis23 August 2011, 8:49 GMT +02:00


10. Stephen28 November 2011, 9:40 GMT +01:00

yet still, more peanuts, I know they aren't my thing, dare to hold my breath and be slammed from all quarters but I look at new photos and get a load of....peanuts, how many possible variations on the theme can a person cope with!

11. Gramps30 November 2011, 8:27 GMT +01:00

:0) I have the same problem with Christmas baubles! Only trouble is, I put a lot of them up there. I just love what you can do with a couple of spherized (is that a word?) fractals and a bit of photoshop.

12. Stephen4 December 2011, 12:11 GMT +01:00

Guess I forgot 'savoury honeyed peanuts 1' . Sleepless, I'll await 'sweet honeyed peanuts' This is not a comment on the uploader but if people are to go to rgb and I am to recommend them I'd seriously anticipate greater discrimination from approvers.

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