Camera Companies Among Top 100 Most Reputable, Nikon Misses the Cut
Forbes released its list of 100 most reputable companies in the world earlier this month, and a number of camera makers made the cut. Sony placed 6th, Canon 8th, Panasonic 13th, Kodak 41st, Samsung 43rd, and Fujifilm 47th.
Completely stumped at the report. Nikon is big with wedding photographers in India, partly because it handles the Indian skin tones better. That said, Canon is pretty popular with Snap shooters/ Amateurs and Pros too. But, not making to the top 100 list ? Is the survey flawed ?
Michael Zhang who writes PetaPixel makes a great point in that vein:
"What we found strange is that Kodak — a company struggling to find its place in the photo industry — placed relatively high on the list (41st), while Nikon — a dominant player — failed to even make the cut. What’s with that?"
Samsung cameras, while improving, have been absolute rubbish in the past. How they could be considered even in the same league, let alone better than Nikon is beyond me. Where is Nikon made?
Maybe Nikon is not too reputable? Here in Poland they have some serious problems with their post-sale service: english.html