Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
I'm not exagerating, I promise. I'm as big as a house. I could lose 50kgs and still be fat. I don't care very much about how I look these days, but my health has been a trial, and I just want to feel more energy. I have to stop drinking soft drinks. I have a sugar craving, and some of that is because I've been drinking caffeine again. I have to get back on track.
My son gave up smoking this year. He's on the patches, and likely to be on them for a long time. He says food tastes really different now, and things he used to like, he now hates. But he has put on a lot of weight, too.
I can't diet. I've done that twice and ended up fatter than ever afterwards. My medication keeps a lot of extra weight on me, and I accept that. But I have managed to eat like a horse and all the wrong thins recently, and I just plan to change what I eat. First, I have to eat or dispose of what's in my cupboards and fill them with good things.
Yeah its right stopping smoking has a big effect on your body im trying to control how much i eat now but i think its the lack of walking thats not doing me any favours, i use to walk miles once but not now, So i shall have to pull my finger out a bit and get walking, I had one grilled burger and a small number of oven frys for tea, so thats better less fat, if i can just keep it up i'll be ok :O)
I just don't feel like eating today. I'm sure it won't last! I had to throw out a lot of food from my trip. I bought a couple of pies, which I never ate, and I tried to eat them this morning. UURK! So fatty that I couldn't even chew them. They left a slick on the roof of my mouth. I had a bite from each then put them out for the birds. Live and learn. I might go out and buy some fruit later.
It must be hard to walk if the weather is cold and snowy. Is it snowing there?
They sound terrible pies Dezzie, and your a very brave Gurl indeed attempting to bit them, I always like to chuck them in the oven for 20 mins just to remove a little fat and crust up the pastries..
Na its not snowing here its heavy rain and high winds so it soaks ya from all directions if you go out in it, you have to have the right cloths on here in the UK this time of year especially here in Wales I will not be walking today as i have picked up the hospital norovirus which is running wild here at the moment, sick and upset tummy nothing too bad but enough to make you feel down, it lasts about 48 hours so i have about 24 left, So i shall have to have a whisky or two just to kill the bugs off and hopefully feel better, we have two family members that work in hospitals so they have unknowingly shared it with me bless them :O(
Well, that's a fine how d'you do, isn't it? On New Year's eve an' all!
We had the norovirus in a homeless men's shelter I worked at in Brisbane once. We had to isolate the place for about a fortnight, until everyone had finished having their pain and suffering. We weren't allowed to do any new intakes. Not ideal, as you can imagine. We had 140 beds! But it passed eventually.
We're all catching so many things from hospitals, they're too dangerous to be around. For all I know I caught my bug from the hospital I went to for the op.
Okay - it's now 2013. Nothing exciting has happened yet.
N-n-o-ope. Ah, well, I'll go to bed soon if the New Year fairy doesn't bring me what I wished for. Maybe Matt Damon put up a fight.
Ha ha ha,,,You are so funny, I still got 1 hour 10 minutes to go yet, world peace and health wealth and happiness is not much to ask for is it ? :O)
Why, you sound like a Miss World contestant, Mikey! You're not practising for the real thing, are you? You can tell me. I woodent tell nobody - honest!
No, Im all man with all the normal male faults you gurls like to point out, Farting, leaving clothes around, ring around bath, shaving foam on the mirror, etc etc etc the list goes on,,and on,,and on................
Since when was all that the domain of men? Izzat wot makes yoo a man, Mikey? I fort you woz brave an' strong. How dipsappointing.
I Yam brave an strong pungent to a degree even, muscles here look,,,and there look,,,and even here l@@k....
*sigh* Please, Sir, Mikey's gone an' took his cloves off again!
Ha ha haaaaaaaaa!! Naughty gurl you is, Ma did warn me bout ya ..
Woz that wen she was let off the chain or did she say it from under the table?
Well now you mention it ,,,I think it was feed time :O)
You been feedin' her again? Oh, it was Christmas, wozzent it? I forgot how soft hearted you is.
I knows it Dezzie, her little eye filled up when i gave her the left over turkey and the Xmas pudding, made me feel good inside watching her suck her way through the hard burnt bit of stuffing i gave her,,, after all dezzie,,Christmas is for sharing init :O)
You can give her too much, Mikey. Don't spoil her. You know she is never grateful for that space under the table. Selfish, that is.
Your right, i got a lovely big cardboard box, put it in the garage with some nice pine shavings in the bottom, did she look at it,,No not on your nelly waste of 50p for the shavings it was..
I shall keep that in mind next time she asks me for seconds greedy sod she is, only fed her a week last friday and hers shoutin for more all ready Phffff!!!
You has to give her tough love, Mikey. Don't let her manipulate you. Don't let yor soft heart rule yor head. No-one treat they's muther as good as you do.
I knows it,,I knows it Dezzie, Do you think er's gotted worms? Cuz i did spy er dragging her bum across the carpet the other week,,,mmm i'll after get sum of them peteeze tablets for er again :O)
I don't think you ort to talk about yer Ma's personal habits like you duz. Gotta treat her wif respeck. She hasn't gnawed through the straps again, has she?