Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
OK then,,Hiff its so bad for you why does it taste so good??? hanswer that then without moving your lips???
Ma,,,Tell dezzie i have got a father,,,,What was his name again Ma!!!
You tole me not to move my lips. I woz sayin' "Juss becorse".
Well, I'm not surprised yer Ma won' tell you. She's hushamed of your drinkin'!
Ive cut down now,,only 4 bottle of whiskey a week,,,that mon-fri cuz i only drink tinnys at a weekend cuz they dont count do they :O)
Like broken bikits. Did you know if you break a biskit the calories leak out?
Never,,,better start broken me biskits then i likes um see, i can eat a pack to meself if i sit in the coal bunker out of ear shot of Ma,,she likes the crumbs, but you dunner get many crumbs in one pack :O)
An' cause you luvs yer Ma, you has to eat henuff packets so she gets her rightful share, right?
NO! i dunner like the way she sticks her little wet finger into the bottom of the biscuit barrel trying to get the crumbs out, so now i empties um in the sink an her eat um outa there....
All heart, like I said! I diddent know her chain could reach the sink.
Ha ha ha yeah she do struggle a bit,,but she's lucky really as over the years her left leg is four inches longer than her left so she juss reaches
If one ov her legs is growin', perhaps you is feedin' her too much!
Na, she stretched it with the chain i seed her doin it, an the doc said she mean she might as well be lean,,,
He's not a real dockter, though, is he? I mean, he diddent look sober.
Well now yoo's mention it he looks at the horse the same time he gives Ma a check that makes him a doctor dunit ???
Mebbe he's moonlightin'. Some dockers do that. Workin' on the wharves all day might get borin'. Gotta have vareyeitty.
Yeah, think yoo are right, a friend of mine said they seen my doc at the local abattoir workin as a gutter, juss hope he washes his hands propper like...
Slightly dead yeah,, go in one end horns and tail,, come out the other wrapped in pastry,,,pie shaped mmmmm,,pie shapes...
I note you left out the cutting of the throat and panic and screams of the dying animal. Enjoy your pie.