Stumbled across this one - thought you might like it.
I find that so hard to believe, you look so sweet an hinerscent in your avatar picture,,,BUT four all i knows you cud have cut that out of vicare'ss of the week magazine...
Na, it was from a lonely hearts one. Looked innocent and friendly. Quite the hopposite hov me.
But I has a soft heart wif cameras an' wood never reely steal one. honest...
Mmm, yeah right, errr, now do i beleaf yoo,,,,,let me think bout it,,might take sum thyme!!
You is VERY forward. I dun seen you be very forward. An' tha's why the judge tole you you had to wear pants outside the house, waznnit?
You read that in the news paper didunt you, it was a hot day and i waz hexcited and and and,,,the rest iz history...
Acksherly, it was on the telly. My jaw dropped to the floor when I seed you. It was deja vu for the umpteenth time. You gotta stop, Mikey. You'll catch your death. It's flamin' SNOWIN'!!
The British summer is rubbish, so i like to exhibit me parts when the sun shines, my body hair keeps me warm dezzie, dont worry bout me gurl..
I yam worried habout the publick. I yam yuzin' sighkollogie on you.
Oh they tried that, and mains power ,,,the gave up,,
I never gives up. I yam a very hannoyin' person like that.
Bless how cute,,,,err not,, my friend muzzled his wife once,,was just before his divorce came through :O)
I think some muzzles are cruel. They fit badly. Poor dogs. It's better than having them put down, though.
I just almost finished watching "Food Inc", and my heart despairs about our planet.
Very depressing, though. I can't listen to sad music for very long or I am ready to open a vein. Music bypasses my intelligence and just slams into my feelings.
I like happy music myself, music you can tap your feets too, bill Haley and comets rock around the clock and such!!!
I used to work in a factory where they played the same LP (well, I'm old, ain't I?) over and over and over infinitum. I used to like music before that. Afterwards, I couldn't bear to listen to it any more. It took a few years until I could tolerate it when I'm in the right mood, although that's usually depressed! LOL To me, having background music is like industrial noise.