There is a fabulous deal on the following software, and it appears legitimate:
As part of a viral marketing campaign, Messiah software is being offered for $40 for the professional edition, when it retails at $1195 usually. There is a limit on the number of people that can purchase it at that price, and once the limit is reached, the price will return to normal. There is a $10 price on Messiah Studio 5 - the non-professional version.
Here is the link:
If animation is your thing, it's a pretty good deal. Read the site and check out the animation gallery.
I forwarded the link to a relative that might be interested. Thanks Dez.
Looks like the progress bar is all the way over but they are still taking orders.
I bought the ten dollar basic version and the license was made available today. I got it loaded and registered and this program is not designed to be intuitive at all_!!!
You won't be seeing any cartoons or even stick figure animation coming from me. This is something that Pixar would use.