You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:
@188 - I protest! When is a honey possum called a "tait"??!!
you was right, din't ya?
Tait; A small nocturnal and arboreal Australian marsupial (Tarsipes rostratus) about the size of a mouse. It has a long muzzle, a long tongue, and very few teeth, and feeds upon honey and insects. Called also noolbenger. (chiefly Pomgolian)
obnoxious gases emanating from the bowels of cattle that are causing global warming :P
Do some religions think those gases are as sacred as the cow? (fair question I think)
holy cow! that's a contentious issue :P in defense of that practice, the premise of the concept is the cow as a provider, as nothing goes waste - even the dung is utilized in multiple ways, manure/ disinfectant/ fuel. etc
anyways... rapt is also "carried off spiritually to another place, sphere of existence, etc."
A tropical vegetable grown for its large starchy roots.
Also known as taitstuffer in Pomgolian.
I am not
I think "tait" is invented by the poms and Septics to bring disrepute upon the noble langwage of the Austalo-Antipodeans.
Tait is so obscure that it does not work in Bookworm nor is it listed in The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary Third Edition.
Noolbenger, on the other hand, is well accepted and does not "bring disrepute upon the noble langwage of the Austalo-Antipodeans."
To suck up insects in a pooter.
@195, 202, 203
Tait is listed in Webster's dictionary, where it is defined as:
"(Zool.) A small nocturnal and arboreal Australian marsupial (Tarsipes rostratus) about the size of a mouse. It has a long muzzle, a long tongue, and very few teeth, and feeds upon honey and insects. Called also noolbenger."
Honey possum isn't mentioned!
Tait is also listed in
I guess honey possum must be an obscure Pomgolian expression. :D
I think I shall subject SOME PEOPLE to some obscure Pomgolian COMpression inna minute.
A game involving men on horses hitting round sweets with holes in the middle (I think).