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forum > Technical questions > Exif


1. johnnyberg25 March 2010, 12:34 GMT +01:00

I have noticed that exifdata are shown next to my pictures; but very very often those data are wrong and misleading.

My HDR-pictures are created using a number of images; and its not the right shuttertime, that is being shown in here.

Furthermore I often use old lenses from the manual days - and then exif also gets very strange. Lately my pictures of daffodils. Here F is shown as 2.8; while the correct value is 5.6.

Do we need to show exif data in a stock-site?

Isn't that more for photo sites, where pictures, techniques and stuff are discussed?

2. lennie25 March 2010, 20:30 GMT +01:00

Hi John,

If you provide links to your 'complaints' and specify which things you think are wrong.

I'm willing to take a look to see if I can figure out what is wrong.

3. dlritter25 March 2010, 22:11 GMT +01:00

Maybe a checkbox in the photo information to enable or disable the showing of exif data would be helpful.

This way each person could decide is they want exif data to show (or not).

4. johnnyberg26 March 2010, 0:07 GMT +01:00

It's really no complaint and links wouldn't be any helpfull. Because there is nothing wrong with the system.

The problem is, that the exif in my pictures sometimes gets very confused because of the use of HDR (several individual images merged and tonemapped) and because I sometimes use old manual lenses - and my camera insert more or less random values.

A simple checkbox could be fine. I woud only need a global one for all my pictures.

5. lennie26 March 2010, 0:33 GMT +01:00

I guess I didn't read it properly the first time... I understand what you mean now.

David is correct, maybe something like a checkbox would be a good idea.

6. jazza26 March 2010, 8:47 GMT +01:00

There are EXIF reading plug-ins for almost every browser, so a checkbox would not help much.
But we can try. I will put this item on my to do list.

7. dlritter26 March 2010, 19:40 GMT +01:00

A checkbox would only affect the display of exif info on the photo's information page (the page you click on the medium size image to get the full size image).

8. crisderaud27 March 2010, 22:32 GMT +01:00

Here is the plug-in for Firefox, John.

FxIF 0.4

Some camera brands don't display the Exif data accurately in browsers. Canons are notorious for having a hard to interpret exif format. Not so sure about Olympus. I know that sxc had problems displaying exif data too.

9. crisderaud27 March 2010, 22:59 GMT +01:00

Daffodils http://www.rgbstock.com/image/mlxzi6M

I have it in my favorites folder on my computer. I brought it up in Adobe Bridge and I get the same exif data that our site shows:

Dimensions: 3404px * 2269pxCamera:
OlympusDate: 2010:03:22 14:40:12
Aperture: f/2.8
Exposure: 1/160

Spot Metering
Auto White Balance
ISO 100

It looks like to me that the exif data will be the same on the site or downloaded to the computer and people will not know the true value unless they are contacted by you.

Perhaps the technical team could make the exif data editable to correct it or erase it.

10. johnnyberg27 March 2010, 23:16 GMT +01:00

Ty, I know that the exif are there. And I have programs to see them.

I just wanted to be able to hide the exif-box here at rgb in oder to avoid confusion and the need to contact me with: "how can you shoot F/2.8 with a F/4-lens?"

The daffodil-picture is shot using a Jupiter 11A lens: 135mm, F4 - and the exif indicates F/2.8 . . . .

I am aware that it doesn't remove the exif from the picture itself. I use Opanda to see exif.

11. crisderaud28 March 2010, 1:32 GMT +01:00

I see what you mean about being questioned when the data doesn't size up to your equipment. It's a lot of work explaining that over and over again to the emails.

I found the Opanda download at Snap-Files. I snagged a copy as I was looking for an IE program with the right click menu option. Thanks for that John.

I wonder what other HDR photographers are doing about their exif data on other photo sites. It would be interesting to find out in some forums.

12. johnnyberg28 March 2010, 8:12 GMT +02:00

Opanda is a vey nice piece of software and it does give you a lot of information about the picture - I use it a lot.

Well, I know that some photographers shooting HDR or using the old manual lenses uses the option to save their pictures without the exif data. I have tried that too, but I keep forgetting to turn exif on again and therefor really dont like that option.

At photosites with the purpose of discussing the photos and getting feedback in order to become a better photographer, I think it's very important that exif always are show. I participate at a number of such, danish, sites. Here I manually type in the exif instead. But at RGBstock with the purpose of sharring the photos instead of discussing the photos, exif doesn't seem to be that important or relevant - in my oppinion.

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