Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Nor is being delusional. You must have imagined I gave you the prize when I actually did no such thing. Nor would I ever consider it.
The prize is mine. All mine!
While the pantomime artists carry on, the prize and I are leaving on a getaway bus.
Well done, Prize, for luring her into the police security van. That was very nimble of you too to get the handcuffs on her! Now we can slope off together in peace. My, your chocolate sure does taste delicious!
Oh no it doesn't because that isn't the prize you've got. While you were diverting the Dez into the cop van I picked your pocket. That thing you are slurping is one of those choclolate flavoured dog toys.
I've never had chocolate flavoured dogs - but then, again, I don't go around tasting animals. I eat only the best, and this prize is the very best. You will never know, because I am now miles away. If you attempt to follow me, I can not guarantee your safety.
Boom!! Was that the sound of Dez treading on a landmine? No wonder she said she couldn't guarantee our safety if we followed her! Fortunately the explosion sent the Prize flying through the air and landing safely beside me. I win!
And Wolfie grabs the prize when Kevin pauses to pick it up.
Run as fast as you like coz four legs are better and faster than two.
Two legs bad. Four legs good? Seems I've heard
that somewhere before...
But no time for reading now. The boom was my Cadbury cannon, and you caught the ammo! And the wolf stole it! Oh, it's so much fun to see you fighting over a fake prize.
Psst! Lynne - do you think she's taken her medication now?
I have taken it and I am now realising that I am the winner. That feels even better than the medication.
Snob. A fancy car won't grant you the prize. No. Only win-ability, and I have buckets of same.
I'm glad you're tankful. And if it were true that you had won, you should be. sadly, you have nought to be tankful for.
I have tied your hands and feet just so you can play knots and crosses, while I take the prize to fairer climes.
You shouldn't believe in fairies, not even one called Climes. I'm the winner!
Stop monkeying about. You know I won. I had the cup engraved and everything.
Inanimate objects generally don't, but I'm not sure that statement, Captain Obvious, has any relevance to the winner's trophy.