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Bullying/Anti-Bullying images please?

1. KarenCarson13 September 2013, 9:53 GMT +02:00

Hello - I would like to thank all of those people I have approached and who have allowed me to use their artwork/photos - you are a wonderful bunch of people and it is very much appreciated - I LOVE this site!!! My name is Karen Carson and I work in a large girls school in Belfast and design their publications - I wonder if any of you would like to photograph bullying images - we are at present doing a lot of work in school on anti-bullying - as I say they are young girls, so any help would be very much appreciated!!
many thanks, Karen :)

2. xymonau13 September 2013, 11:44 GMT +02:00

I know I have a photo of a girl crying, but she may look too young. I'll see if I can find it. In the meantime, people who have children or grandchildren might want to pose something. And we have some graphic artists who could draw or paint something appropriate.

3. KarenCarson13 September 2013, 12:20 GMT +02:00

thanks very much for your reply Xymonau - I will do a search for crying or alone - brilliant! :)

4. xymonau15 September 2013, 7:48 GMT +02:00

Karen, did you find what you need? I haven't had much time to search through my images.

5. KarenCarson16 September 2013, 12:45 GMT +02:00

hello ...yes Xymonau, I did and thank you very much! :)

6. xymonau16 September 2013, 23:43 GMT +02:00

That's excellent. :o)

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