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forum > Newbie chat > Hi All ...

Hi All ...

1. SeeVee20 April 2013, 4:29 GMT +02:00

I thought I would introduce myself. I am one of the ones who found this site through SXC. I'm glad you're here and I get to be a part of it. As a graphic designer / video producer I've used my fair share of free images and I'm glad to be able to give back a little.

Thanks for taking the time to manage this site and for the kind comments some of you have posted so far.

Cris (SeeVee)

2. xymonau20 April 2013, 6:44 GMT +02:00

Welcome, Cris! You have some excellent images. It's always nice to see new faces. This site is growing daily, and it's thanks to great images like yours that keep people coming back.

What's the weather like in Canada these days? Here in Australia (Queensland) it has finally stopped raining for a few days, and we're beginning to have some glorious autumn weather.

3. SeeVee20 April 2013, 9:41 GMT +02:00

The weather is about the same but at least we're heading into summer.

4. micromoth21 April 2013, 7:50 GMT +02:00

Hi Cris, welcome to RGB Stock! I've seen some of your shots already in the new images gallery - you have some very fine work. Glad you found us from the Other Site.

5. mzacha22 April 2013, 12:33 GMT +02:00

Great shots, SeeVee. And it is really nice to see them (and you) here.

6. SeeVee25 April 2013, 16:59 GMT +02:00

Thanks for the kind welcome everyone. You all have some great photos/ graphics as well.

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