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I would find search by keywords in the own gallery very helpful, as well as the possibility on the photo management page to order the photos by number of keywords (to instantly see which photos might need more keywords to be found properly).
In fact we have search by keywords in the own gallery already, it is part of the search xxx's gallery-function. I think this is "sharp enough", although this function finds not only keywords, but words in photo names and in descriptions, too. Or do photographers with many photos need more possibilities to narrow down their own search results? Any opinions on this?
Yeah, I mean something like the keywords of the image, something you can click on:
Yesterday, 25 October, was the biggest day we've had in a month. It's a sign of things to come.
The word about us is getting around and people are saying good things. :)
Right. The number of images is rising... so the people are coming here ;)
My search in my own gallery doesn't work.
The number of members is incredible. And we are getting more images. We have to maintain the standard.
We still have many "missing" topics... like "customer" a while ago. No image to illustrate it!
Maybe it would be worth having a "hit list" of missing topics? That is, topics we would expect to have, and are reasonably popular searches, but for which we have few or no images. We could perhaps even have two categories: completely missing, and less than ten. Having such a "hit list" would help us target what's missing, or at least act as an aide memoire. We could even have an "Image Requests" section on the forum. Come to think of it, wasn't there something like that on the other place?
Kevin, are you willing to compile a short list to begin with? I seriously do not have the time right now. Look at the searches to see what's missing. Or if you find an image with poor keywords, make some suggestions to that person to help them out. It ultimately helps the site.
@180 Sure Dez, I'm happy to compile a list of subjects I notice as missing and/or lower than one would expect. I would likewise be glad to receive additions from others too. I'll start a new topic on the Forum where folk can add messages about it. I suggest we let it accrue for at least a few weeks before I report back with an initial list. Probably January 2011 would be a good time, as there's always so much to do in the last two months before Christmas.
I am happy to report that yesterday, Nov 2, 2010, was one of the top five busiest days in our short history.
I don't believe that our rolling stone will be gathering moss anytime soon. :0
Extraordinary activity today - the tally has eclipsed yesterday's total already. And I noticed that someone downloaded 58 of my images in a period of just 43 minutes! I'd be interested to see the blog link that has stimulated all this (assuming that it is a blog).
Today over 100 downloads from my pictures! It makes me soooooo happy!
@micromoth seems to have been the newsletter. Seems this person went and looked at large part of your gallery and downloaded everything what he/she liked.
A few other galleries too.
Great newsletter effect! Over 50 downloads today!. 3...2...1...Launching RGBStock!
@185, 186 Wow! If that's the newsletter effect then it's just made itself into a regular feature.
Well, their is a problem with that.
Most people didn't subscribe to the newsletter when they signed up.
And as we didn't have a checkbox when a lot of people first registered, we send everyone who didn't check the newsletter checkbox a one time newsletter.
So the number of newsletters will thus be lower next time. Thus possible the impact as well. Depends a little on the content ofcourse.
Suggestion as welcome !
I marked the checkbox in my profile. Maybe we can announce it in the front page....
Something like this maybe ? ;-)
"Saavem marked his profile checkbox for the newsletter, so should you !"
on the other hand (@190), maybe that is no bad idea :) - having prominent members advertise site features :)